I work for a generous company that gave us July 3rd as a floating holiday, and of course the 4th. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I burned 3 vacation days to give myself a week off from work. This parlayed into 9 days away from work, which also meant 9 rounds of golf.
So July 9th was the last day of my golf vacation. Playing along with my friends at Norwich Golf Course in Connecticut, I was having a pretty mediocre round, sitting at 6 over heading into the 13th hole.
13 at Norwich is a quirky hole. For starters, it’s short. I’ve played there so many times that I know what club I’m going to use, so I didn’t laser the distance. But I want to say it’s in the neighborhood of 100 yards. It is also straight uphill. I don’t know the exact difference in height, maybe 30-40 feet? Finally, small green.
Last year, this was a 52* wedge, but this year, I’ve had to use the 48* wedge from my T100s set. Swing felt smooth, contact was pure, and the ball tracked on a great line. I knew I’d be on the green, and hopefully close.
When we got to the top of the hill, we couldn’t see the ball. But as the green has two tiers, it’s not uncommon to find the ball on the lower tier once you get closer. But this time, no ball was visible. I was confident that my ball was neither long or short of the green, I walked directly to the hole. And there it was, my yellow ProV1x, resting comfortably at the bottom of the cup! High fives, beverages and cigars ensued. Foolishly, I played the ball for the remaining five holes, but fortunately, I still had it at the end of the round. Crazy thing, I believe I played 72 holes with this ball.
This is my third hole in one. First, ProV1 and 712 AP2 8 iron. Second, ProV1x and 913H 24* hybrid. I wish I could describe the confidence I have on the tee box with a Titleist club in my hands and a ProV perched on a tee, but I’m pretty certain everyone on TeamTitleist already knows.