My first hole in one and my second within 6 weeks

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By JHall

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  1. I play off plus 6 and I had my first hole in one using a Titleist ProV1X at the Irish Ladies. It was on the 13th hole (unlucky for some) and I hit my 5 iron. Ive played top amateur golf for 10 years now and have been close so many times. My parents always travel with me and my mam is always the ball spotter and the hole was semi blind so I was relying on her to react to the shot. However she was too busy looking in her bag so she actually missed it going in. All of the years that she has followed golf and she missed my hole in one.

    I followed this one up with a hole in one 6 weeks later at the Bridget Jackson on the 14th hole this time hitting my 7 iron. At this event I was just with my dad so again my mam missed it!!

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  2. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada


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