Second Hole In One in 3 weeks!

Follow Thread

By Mike A

  • 3 Replies
  1. Military

    It’s very surreal. I hit my second hole in one in a 3 week span and my third overall.

    I was playing with 2 buddies and I went last. There was already a ball on the green when I went and I hit a 9 iron that started just off the left edge of the green. There is a bunker on the left side and my ball was fading just enough to clear the bunker a d catch the slope toward the hole. As it landed it disappeared and I was happy with a good shot but not even thinking about it going in. I bent down and picked up my tee and turned to walk off as one of my buddies said “that ball just dropped in the hole”. I didn’t believe him and it took a second to realize that I did go in! Again, it’s very surreal.

    Post Image
  2. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

  3. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Thats amazing, did you buy a lottery ticket?!
  4. Dino S

    Dino S
    Dayton, OH

    Congratulations and great playing!

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