1st Hole in 1

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By Eric F

  • 2 Replies
  1. A heart felt story that could serve as evidence there's a plan for all of us. As well as how golf is more than just a sport. This spring I started playing golf seriously for the first time in my life, new clubs and all. Prior to this I only played maybe 5 times with hand me down clubs from my dad. My dad played consistently thru his life until retirement, but he kinda lost his interest over the last 10 years or so. My relationship with my dad was never what I would say bad, but it was never great. We simply didn't have anything really in common. So when I took up golf in my 40s, it sparked a bond between me and my dad we never had before. Finally something we could enjoy as father and son!

    This summer we have been playing 9 holes at the local course semi regularly and having fun with it. Well on memorial weekend, I tee'd off hole #2 and to my disbelief sank an ace. Mind you I've only Ben at this for about 2 months! In that moment, I never felt my father more excited or proud of me. He was genuinely excited. He said I was only the second ace he ever witnessed. The first was as a caddy at Oakland Hills in the early 60s. Needless to say, sharing that moment with my dad truly cemented a bond between us.

    Now this is where life gets interesting. ....the very next weekend after getting my ace, my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer in her liver, pancreas and bones.

    Tonight she passed away peacefully.

    Needless to say my dad is going to need all the love and support he can get, now that my mom is gone.

    The fact I scored an ace in 2 months and the average years of playing before shooting an ace is 24.... I really believe someone above knew my dad was going to need support and love moving forward once my mom was gone. Our bond thru golf solidified with sharing that ace moment, will serve as a way for me to help him move forward now that she is gone.

    I will miss my mom beyond words, but I am looking forward to spending time on the course with my dad and remembering the day we got an ace, and remembering mom

    So you see, sometimes it's much more than just a silly sport/hobby

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  2. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

  3. Dino S

    Dino S
    Dayton, OH

    I'm sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful story and hopefully many more new memories around the golf course with your dad. Congratulations and great shot!

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