Great Day in Texas

Follow Thread

By Geoffrey M

  • 1 Like
  • 2 Replies
  1. Geoffrey M

    Geoffrey M
    Spring Branch, TX


    We have been experiencing 100+ degree heat for the past 20 days and our golf course has done a heroic job of keep the tuff green and playable. The temperature today was again reaching 100 degrees as we made it to the 17th hole, sprinting for the airconditioned clubhouse. The 17th hole played 170 yards over water and the prevailing wind was behind us. Our group was teasing one of the members who had birded the previous hole to gain the honor - his first of the day. He hit a good shot into the middle of the green and the comments were about playing it safe. I hit a good seven iron that hot about six feet short of the hole and rolled in for an ace. I told my friend I was inspired by his birdie - after the initial congrats the group's response was about free drinks. I told them water all around - their comments are not printable.

  2. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

    Congrats! Stay Kool
  3. Dino S

    Dino S
    Dayton, OH

    Congratulations and great shot!

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