Cool Saturday Morning

Follow Thread

By Mike H

  • 2 Replies
  1. It was a cool February morning in NC. Playing with my regular Saturday foursome I stepped up the tee box on the second hole, which is a par three over water of about 125 yards. I told my playing partners I wanted to make sure I hit the ball solid and that was my only swing thought. The ball left the club on a perfect line, drawing about 5 feet and one bounce spinning back into the hole. My 2nd hole in one and my first on that hole. Made for a great day!

  2. Dino S

    Dino S

    Awesome! Congrats!
  3. EddietheKarp


    Mike H said:

    It was a cool February morning in NC. Playing with my regular Saturday foursome I stepped up the tee box on the second hole, which is a par three over water of about 125 yards. I told my playing partners I wanted to make sure I hit the ball solid and that was my only swing thought. The ball left the club on a perfect line, drawing about 5 feet and one bounce spinning back into the hole. My 2nd hole in one and my first on that hole. Made for a great day!

    Awesome shot, Mike! Congratulations

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