We are making a hole in one today

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By Paul S

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  1. It is Super Bowl Sunday. I am part of a very large group continuing a tradition that started in the earliest days of Bandon Dunes. California Pro Rex Denham, now 86 years young, has run this friendly little event attracting golfers from across the land for over two decades. I arrive from Colorado.

    I bring along a sleeve of Pro V1 balls numbered 22 and personalized with my nickname of "Spike". They were a gift from my brother Steve. On the first tee at Sheep Ranch, I tell my exceptional caddie, Mike Sid, that I am looking to make a hole in one and that the Titleist 22 comes out to play the par 3's. I explain it is a tribute to my brother, the godfather to my two boys, and much more. Three buddies from Lake Valley GC I am paired with hear the plan. Sure.

    We play. I come close on the third hole, ending up just right of the hole and notch an easy 2. On the fifth hole, my shot is pin seeking but comes up a little short of the flag. After a weak putt I tap in for 3. On the 7th tee, I look at the hole 138 yards away. I look at the Pacific, stretching to infinity. I look at my buddies and my caddie. I feel it. I take my only picture of the round as some Canadians and Cajuns in our group are walking off the green. Mike pulls my pitching wedge and hands me the Titleist 22, I tell him something like this is it, and my shot never leaves the flag. Very moving. A bit spooky. A rocking chair memory. The Titleist 22 is retired, 3 under for 3 holes.

    Paul Szilagyi Boulder, Colorado

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  2. EddietheKarp


    Superb shot, Paul! Looks like quite a magnificent view for an ace. Congratulations

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