First Hole In One

Follow Thread

By Jackson B

  • 2 Replies
  1. I was on a golf trip with the boys at Shenvalee Golf Resort in New Market, VA. We were on our 6th round of the weekend and 21st hole of the day. On the 4th hole of the Olde Course, I had a 163 yard shot into a 1 club wind, I hit an easy 5 iron. It landed about 2ft behind the hole and spun back into the cup. Greatest moment on the golf course in my life! Of course I had my trusty #7 Pro V1.

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  2. EddietheKarp


    Great shot, Jackson! Amazing moment to share with your buds! Congratulations
  3. Dino S

    Dino S

    Awesome! Congrats!

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