Superstroke Grip on my 2014 SC Select Newport 2

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By David T

  • 8 Replies
  1.  I have my Scotty Cameron  Select Newport 2 with 20 gram weights in the head for a bit of a heavier feel. My swing weight is D8. I want a bigger grip due to the stock grip feeling to small and slick. Who has a superstroke on theirs SC? Which model? I would love to keep swing weight the same so any suggestions.  Also if anyone has the same model and set up as me please chime in on what you have

  2. Sirhc

    Sacramento, CA

    David - Check out the Super Stroke webpage; you may be surprised at the grips' weights.

    My putters are pre-Select era, but I use a Slim 3.0 (Dufner's grip) on a Red X and a Mid Slim 2.0 on a Newport Mid Slant.

    Also check Super Stroke's "grip fit" tool at the bottom of the page.  In general, they recommend slimmer grips for putters with a moderate toe down like your Newport 2, and larger grips as putters move more towards face-balanced.  I wouldn't be surprised if grip fit recommends a 2.0 for you.  

    Jordan Spieth uses a Flatso Ultra (now known as the Flatso 1.0), the smallest Flatso that SS makes.

  3. Do you know how much the stock grip weighs? I think its the pistolini. Im trying to maintain the swingweight if i go with a larger grip. 

  4. Spudstarch

    Walnut Creek, CA

    Based on the website, it is the pisolini grip.

    Someone weighed theirs online and said it was 78 grams. Older studio grips were about 71. The change is probably to offset the increase in the base head weight of the new select models.

    Any grip +/- about 10 grams should be fine since swing weight is not the biggest factor in putters as much as static weight. (Unless you have some crazy kind of load, lag, and release swing for your putts.)

  5. Sirhc

    Sacramento, CA

    Spudstarch said:

    Based on the website, it is the pisolini grip.

    Someone weighed theirs online and said it was 78 grams. Older studio grips were about 71. The change is probably to offset the increase in the base head weight of the new select models.

    Any grip +/- about 10 grams should be fine since swing weight is not the biggest factor in putters as much as static weight. (Unless you have some crazy kind of load, lag, and release swing for your putts.)

    Non-counter-weighted SS grips range from 50 to 105 grams.

    Here are a few grip weight stats from their webpage [] -

    Mid Slim 2.0:  50 grams +/- 5;

    Slim 3.0:  60 grams +/- 5;

    Fatso 5.0:  90 grams +/- 5;

    Flatso 1.0:  85 grams +/- 5

    The lightest SS counter-weight (compatible) grip, Plus 2.0 XL, comes in right at 78 grams +/- 5.  That is without the 50-gm counterweight.  As always, check on their webpage: .

    I hope this helps.


  6. I have used the SuperStroke grips but would have you consider the new Scotty Cameron Matador large (not XL) if you want a larger grip.  It is a nice size grip and it is a similar feel to the SS 2.0 or 3.0....

    You can order it online at in the accessories section of the shop, or your titleist distributor can order you one.

    Good Luck!

  7. Mike B

    Mike B
    Duluth, GA

    I have a Scotty Cameron Select Newport 2.5 "Heavy" (which has the 20 gram weights as well).  I liked the SC grip, and was reluctant to swap it out, but decided to give the SuperStroke Mid-Slim 2.0 a try last year.  I have large hands and moving to the larger grip definitely improved my putting.  I would recommend giving it a try.

  8. dave p

    dave p
    lexington, KY

    I have same putter, and due to large, arthritic hands use midsize grip on putter and oversized on irons etc. I am trying to find another Scotty midsize grip, but having difficult time. Friend suggested SStroke, but I do not really like that feel, was also suggested to me to get a regular grip and add several wraps? Is that an option with putter grips? I know with other clubs somewhat common but never heard of with putter, any help?

  9. Sirhc

    Sacramento, CA

    Dave P -

    Yes, you can add wraps underneath putter grips. You should be able to customize the size of your grips.  In fact, the Custom Shop gives you the option of adding one or two wraps under their putter grips.

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