Blade vs mallet putters

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By THiggs

  • 7 Replies
  1. THiggs

    Dallas, Tx

    Ive recently been looking for a new putter for my bag and was wondering the main difference between a blade and mallet. Whenever I try out a blade putter I feel like I have better distance control but less accuracy and vice versa for a mallet. I'm wondering which is better for amateurs or if it's just all about feel.

  2. The303


    Feel is subjective. Mallets will typically be heavier and have a higher MOI. There great if you struggle on short puts, but I always had problems with distance control.
  3. Jacob Hobart

    Jacob Hobart
    Dallas, TX

    each putter is designed to be for a certain stroke, the necks of the putter along with the weighting of the putter all has to do with the type of stroke. If you plan on getting a new putter, its a must to go get fitted for the specific putter that fits you.
  4. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    I go by feel for my putters, but usually blade putters work well with an arc swing and a mallet putter a straight swing. I would find someone that carriers a variety of Cameron putters and try them out.
  5. These two entirely different feels and in some cases strokes (SBST etc...), thus I would tilt my preference towards your priorities with your putting game. It sounds like you could experiment for a few rounds alternating between the two types of putters to determine which gives you an edge...IMHO

    You hit the nail on the head, it is about feel!

    Good Luck!
  6. N Anthony S

    N Anthony S
    Virginia Beach, VA

    I look forward to my fitting this week! Titleist rep will be in town and it's time for me to complete my bag with a Scotty putter. Life is good!
  7. Jason F

    Jason F
    Elizabethton, TN

    what are you using now? and what type of stroke do you have? if you have a more straight back and fourth stroke then a mallet putter would be better for you. if you have a slide arc then a blade putter would be better for ya. really depends on what your feel is about them, we can tell you what we think but i wouldn't go on basing your mind up on what we think.

    i play a blade style putter. i do have a slight arc and i like the clean plain traditional style putter then something all crazy looking.

    I've messed around with a mallet putter and yes they are good but it doesn't feel right with my stroke path.

    you should maybe figure out what you are wanting in a putter by weight and feel and see which one has the best TRU ROLL. you don't want a putter that at impact it skips first and then rolls, if it is skipping it can really take your ball offline and hurt your putts. you need to find one that rolls once at impact so it stays on line

    jus try and play with as many different types of putter and then find one that you know you can use everyday. balls and putters really do make a difference.
  8. Chris T

    Chris T
    Dublin, Dublin

    Mallet for me after years of using a Blade and missing too many short ones, like every golfer of course, I tried the Mallet and BOOM, now I feel I can't miss from inside 10 feet, much more solid for me,

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