SC Newport 2016

Follow Thread

By RJohnson

  • 8 Replies
  1. RJohnson

    Cleveland, Oh


    I got 2016 SC Newport putter last week, and all I can say is wow! The putter looks absolutely amazing, the craftsmanship down to the little details are striking. The putter not only looks great, but the feel and performance is second to none. I had SC putters years ago, and not sure why I left, but I am back and very happy to be gaming the SC again. Well done.

  2. Chris B

    Chris B
    Monroe, LA


    pictures would be nice!!
  3. Bob T

    Bob T
    East Otis, MA

    Nice going with your new Newport sounds really nice. I have one of the older models but after reading your post you have perked my interest up in looking into a newer model!!!!
  4. RJohnson

    Cleveland, Oh

    Thanks. I tried uploading pics, just kept telling me error uploading pictures.
  5. Welcome Back! What model of the Newport did you choose to get?
  6. I recently purchased the Newport M2 and couldn't be more satisfied. Finally, my late 90's SC Sante Fe (Oil Can), will take a much needed rest!!
  7. Jim P

    Jim P
    Palm Springs, CA

    A beautiful putter but very disappointed that a sight line has been added Safe to say nearly impossible to get one w/o the line⁉️
    Post Image
  8. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    Congrats on your new Scotty!
  9. Sirhc

    Sacramento, CA

    Yes, congrats on the new Scotty!
    I tried the new Newport the other day and loved it. It's amazing how soft a steel insert "feels".
    Unlike traditional Newports, I like the sightline. Between that and an 816H1, though, I need the hybrid!

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