Rare Scotty Headcovers

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By David ARK

  • 15 Replies
  1. David ARK

    David ARK
    Long Beach, NY

    So I was lucky enough to be able to score a Mardi Gras head cover this morning when Scotty released them. I guess I got lucky because they are currently sold out. I really like this new putter cover, but I'm a little apprehensive about actually gaming it. I play most of my rounds on public golf courses and I'm wondering if it might be a too obvious target for theft. Has anyone ever had a headcover or a club stolen before? A bunch of years ago I had a driver swiped from my bag and I've been a bit paranoid about protecting my clubs ever since. I always try to keep the rain hood on my bag whenever I have to leave them for a bit to go in the clubhouse, bathroom etc...

  2. Brian D

    Brian D
    Norton, MA

    Unfortunately, I have had a few things stolen over the years. I guess I had to learn my lesson the hard way. At this point, I no longer leave my clubs unattended...anywhere. Once I am done my round, the first thing I do is place my clubs in the trunk. That way I know I don't have to worry about it, also, just in case I need to fit a round in the following day, my clubs are in my trunk...not that it happens too often....

    Sorry to hear you had some things stolen. Also glad you were able to get the SC cover. I think they are pretty cool keepsakes. I have quite a few of them, most of which haven't seen the light of day after purchase. I keep them all in a box in my closet, as some point, I would love to have a nice case to display them all, but so far I haven't found the right one, and I am not sure how supportive the wife would be with me wanting to display them all in our living room.
  3. Joshua B

    Joshua B

    I have a few scotty cameron head covers....the stuff is art! I did have a dancing lobster head cover (I live up in New England and thought it was a great moniker or spirit animal for my game!) stolen and never to be returned. Its heartbreaking bc it cost me around $170 to get. Be careful....maybe use it during the round and put in one of your bag pockets after in you are heading into the clubhouse...otherwise just put the bag right back into your car (thats what I do now...lesson learned)
  4. Know the feeling, many years ago when I got my first Scotty a week after I got it I left my bag at the bag drop at my home course with the attendant there for about 20 mins. The next day I went for a practice and notice my putter was not in my bag. I called my club and talked to the head pro and told him what happen, he got back to me the next day and told me that the kid never came back to work. All he would do for me was order another one for me at cost, I was pissed. No longer a member there.
  5. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    I have a few expensive head covers and I game them. Depending where I'm playing I'll take my putter with me whether it's the restaurant or restroom. Other places I'll keep my bag within eyesight mostly because my driver, hybrid covers are also Cameron covers.
  6. Brian D

    Brian D
    Norton, MA

    Bruce S said:

    I have a few expensive head covers and I game them. Depending where I'm playing I'll take my putter with me whether it's the restaurant or restroom. Other places I'll keep my bag within eyesight mostly because my driver, hybrid covers are also Cameron covers.

    Bruce, would love to see a few pics of the collection if you ever get a chance to post them.
  7. Mike r

    Mike r
    Amherst, OH

    That stinks...I don't have a Scotty .....Yet!! I'm having trouble finding a fitter in my area. However...Im hesitant to even use my original metal head covers because they are all Titleist, so I use goofy covers like the ground hog etc etc
  8. Ben A

    Ben A
    Los Gatos, CA

    That stinks to hear of them getting stolen. Hasn't happened to me yet, but I am super paranoid of it happening and even though I have all my clubs insured, I'm not sure what I would do. Not sure how replaceable everything is.
  9. Ralph M

    Ralph M
    Annandale, NJ

  10. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    I want to hear the rest of this story! What'd the guy say who was stealing your bag? I hope someone called the cops and had him arrested! I also hope he had a black eye when sat for his mugshot.

    I guess at my home course, where I am a member and very comfortable with the staff, I am far too trusting with my complete bag of Titleists. They are prominently displayed with Titleist and Scotty head covers, all sitting in a new Mid Staff Titleist bag. I better start paying attention more. Leaving it unattended for even a few seconds may be tempting fate. I'll definitely be more guarded after reading some of these stories. I just thought golfers, by nature, would respect other people's stuff. Guess not.
  11. zachcolburn

    Byron Center, Michigan

    The best method is to hit the gym and get huge so people wouldn't even think about messing with your clubs! On a more serious note, I usually never leave my clubs out of my sight, and if I have to, I usually flip my towel up over the headcover or stick it in a pocket until I get back.

    This Mardi Gras cover was awesome! The color scheme is a little more visually appealing than years past. Great buy!
  12. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    There has been a few TT guys that have talked about their entire bags being taken. Mine go in the trunk and one of the requirements I had for a crossover was a cover was available for the cargo bay. A buddy was playing a course that also had an old motel renting by the month. Someone stole a 6 year old Cbra driver while he was making the turn for a quick trip into the clubhouse. Book value - $25?? Sad... So yes, a pocket if not locking the clubs is a minimum.
  13. Michael JC

    Michael JC
    Orwell, VT

    Always worried about some swiping my Scotty when the bag is unattended.
  14. It's sad this day and age we can't trust anybody. it's a shame that we all work day in and day out to buy the things we are so passionate about and someone can ruin it in the blink of an eye. I always try to keep an eye on my bag when It's not on me at the course but when I can't...I can't stop thinking about someone walking away with my pride and joy.
  15. Greg L

    Greg L
    Dallas Tx

    How about a picture of the SC Mardi Gras cover?
  16. Mike C

    Mike C
    Dallas, TX

    I have a number of different head covers I like to rotate around on my putter. My feeling is that these head covers are meant to be used so everything I have are gamers. I generally only use these for tournaments and when I know where my clubs will be. For everyday rounds and leaving my clubs in the bad room at my club I just use the standard head cover or one of the all gray covers that are readily available.

    I attached a picture of some of my favorite gamers. When you see one of these come out on my bag you know I am playing for keeps!

    Post Image

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