Scotty Cameron gallery

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By Kelly H

  • 7 Replies
  1. Kelly H

    Kelly H
    Hughson, CA

    So I was in the area for work earlier this week (I drove three extra hours but i figured worth it) and I had the opportunity to visit the gallery. I was there when they opened the store and it was truly amazing. Like everybody has said you can't take pictures inside but it is as amazing as I had heard. Spent way more than I intended but I couldn't help myself! Still need patriotic alignment sticks and cover but the bag is getting closer.


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  2. Cath D.

    Cath D.
    Carlsbad, CA

    Hi Kelly, Nice! I especially like that towel....I may have to make the drive down there to see if they have more :)
  3. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO

    I agree with Cathi, that towel is really nice!
  4. Kevin B

    Kevin B
    Los Angeles, CA

    Love the store. Been there once and can't wait to go back. Maybe if Cathi gets a course close on our TT Play Day in So.Cal we can all go there following. They'll take a picture of all of us that day for sure...LOL! Your T shirt, towels and covers...COOLEST! Congrats.
  5. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    Very nice pick ups! I need to get out there someday. I've heard nothing but great things... Thanks for sharing...
  6. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Afraid of stores like Scotty's, my debit card loves them. Need and want are one and the same. Really hard to just look there, I'm sure, from the looks of your purchase, so glad it is on the other end of the U.S. Very nice choices.
  7. Wow, great looking purchase !!
  8. Adam E

    Adam E
    Phoenix, AZ

    Hi Kelly, I was also there last week and picked up a few items of my own. Nice shop, I just wanted to grab a putter and go in the private rooms and putt for hours. Definitely need your wallet in that store.

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