Concept X Head covers

Follow Thread

By Ryan L

  • 15 Replies
  1. Ryan L

    Ryan L
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Can other SC Concept X owners weigh in on their thoughts about the design of the head cover? For a $600 putter, it seems like a bit more thought and "craftsmanship" could have gone into this design...with two "flaps", one of which being super thin, is incredibly difficult to close easily. Does anyone else agree or have suggestions of perhaps other options that might be easier to put on and take off during a round? Again, my biggest gripe is that for a 600 putter, the head cover design is more akin to a 150 grade flat stick. As an example, my soon has an O-Works mallet and the the closer is slick with an integrate magnet, triangular flap that opens and closes so much easier. Thoughts TT community? Thanks!!

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  2. Having owned Scotty Cameron Headcovers since 1995 I realize that this cover, like many other mallet covers over the years, will have two flaps. I would suggest that craftsmanship doesn't equate to durability if you do not take care of things...I have never had a problem over all these years with the headcovers myself...

    I like the way they are made and the quality they represent. IMHO

    Cheers, Chris
  3. Ryan L

    Ryan L
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Politely disagree. This headcover in the photo is new and the design doesn’t mirror other mallets, as evidenced by the one super tiny flap that already looks tattered. It’s a poor design that isn’t user friendly or likely to hold up even when well cared for. IMHO
  4. Any luck finding a head cover? I also need one.
  5. Did you have any luck getting a replacement CX headCover??
  6. It could be worse. They could have made them yellow like they did for the Phantom X putters. The first thing I did after buying the putter was go online and buy a new headcover.
  7. I do not own this model, but have been thinking for sometime that maybe a magnetic closure might be nicer than the velcro which gets "hairy" quite quickly and then more likely to fall off.
    (Missing covers are hardly ever returned)
  8. I agree with the Concept X cover doesn’t meet the Scotty standard.
    I have been playing with mine for less than four months and the Velcro is totally worn out and won’t stick anymore. Also one of the wings is wearing a hole almost all the way through the cover.
    I can’t tell you how many times the cover has actually fallen off and I have to go back searching for it.
    I contacted customer service and was horribly disappointed. My options were send my putter in and they would have a custom-made cover made for around $150 plus freight. Not to mention I would be without the putter for the duration.
    The customer service person suggested I take it to a local seamstress and have them stitch it up and replace the velcro.
    For a $700 putter the cover definitely fell short. Unfortunately customer service felt even shorter after several emails back-and-forth to try and purchase a replacement. I belong to the Cameron club so I ordered a mallet headcover after being told it may fit. Again disappointed in the customer service representatives advice when it definitely did not fit.
    I Guess I’ll find an old sock or a hybrid cover to throw over it from now on because trying to find another cover that would fit is like searching for that unicorn. If anyone has any suggestions on how to purchase a new head cover for the concept text please do tell!
    Awesome putter – horrible head cover.
  9. I have had the Concept X now for over a year and I completely agree that the headcover and lack of options to purchase another is very frustrating!

    Based in the UK it is simply impractical to consider sending it into the custom shop to get a cover, why they don’t sell them frankly is a p*** take to anyone buying the putter.

    I love the putter though and won’t be changing it any time soon. Therefore, I spent a quite a large amount of money to purchase the Custom Shop cover from a collector in the States
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  10. Ryan L

    Ryan L
    Fort Wayne, IN

    That does look sharp!
  11. I ended up getting Jackpot Johnny for my Phantom X as well. Looks really sharp in the bag.
  12. Ryan L

    Ryan L
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Great feedback everyone! I haven't checked back on this tread since shortly after my posted, but it definitely sounds like there ARE INDEED others that share my thoughts. And to make it worse, I had a very similar experience as MForsgren. The totally disagreed with me and said "Velcro is much easier to replace".
    In answering the question above, I have yet to find another solution and WILL NOT pay such a ridiculous price to replace a flawed design. Normally a HUGE Titleist (and sub brands) but very disappointed. Not sure if they have moderators monitoring threads like this, but would be interested to hear from someone in a leadership position, addressing our collective frustration and disappointment. Titleist? Scotty Cameron?
  13. PRO V

    PRO V
    golf course

    The feedback I received at the Gallery in Encinitas a few years is that Scotty likes the sound of velcro on the covers and won't be changing them anytime soon. Which is a huge shame. I've lost so many prized head covers because they fell off. Maybe things are different. Magnets never wear out and sound great when they snap close. Just an idea. But you can't beat the quality of the leather and the stitching and of course, the greatest putters ever made in the history of the game.
  14. Ryan L

    Ryan L
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Totally agree PRO V! I'll never roll another putter other than a SC. I think of Scotty worked in magnets, along with the quality leather and stitching, it would elevate the design even more, minimizing the often "shaggy" look of velcro and secure the headcover to our beloved, valuable flat sticks. Really appreciate everyone sharing.

    BTW...I happened to do a little research on eBay and see the Concept X's at or even above the 1k value. Is that really possible? I know they were expensive to begin with, but I remember looking 6-9 months after they were released and saw you could pick one up for 350-450...and now almost 3x that. Someone please let me know if that is I can consider shelving it for my appreciating collectibles. :)
  15. DK

    Doylestown, PA

    Just found this post and agree on all points. I was lucky enough to find a gem and now use it as my gamer. My biggest fear is that I WILL lose the headcover and be forced to drop another $200 on a replacement. Scotty needs to come up with a better cover for the exclusive putters. Make it happen please.
  16. Love the Scotty headcovers for the blades, mallets not so much. The two strap concept is annoying. My so replaced his with a magnetic one, much nicer. It would be really cool if they gave you the option to pick your headcover when ordering a new SC putter; pick the grip and head cover

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