Scotty Cameron membership

Follow Thread

By @RichMez

  • 3 Replies
  1. @RichMez

    flintshire, 0

    Evening all,

    I’m looking at trying to get a Scotty Cameron membership in jan 2022 lol along way off I know …

    Anyone know when in January they get released roughly and how much they charge per annum ?

    Many Thanks in advance

  2. I think it's usually around $100 ish and they hit around early January or at least advertise for it. I know that isn't EXACT information but IIRC that is about it.
  3. Fred L

    Fred L

    My 2021 membership was 145.00 and ordered in January when it was available. However due to the pandemic it arrived close to 3 months later.
  4. @RichMez

    flintshire, 0

    thanks anthony

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