New Center shafted Scotty flowback Please

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By Bill G

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  1. Having used a center shafted Scotty GoLo S5 for many years it is now time for something new. I have several Scottys but the straight center shaft design seems to suit my eye but my Scotty options are not great. I don't like the Phantom X6 STR so when I saw the Phantom X 5S in a shop I bought it straight away. Expensive mistake as I am now struggling with my alignment and miss the alignment line of the GoLo S5. I love the Newport style and have a 2.6 and squareback 5.5 but they don't like me. I seem to prefer the extended rounded back style of the GoLo or even the flowback with extended line to the X5 style. Expensive mistake having gone back to the GoLo S5

    So please Mr Scotty Cameron can you produce a Flowback style putter with straight center shaft, alignment line and a dark/oil or black mist type finish... something like the TourType SSS Flowback 5 of Sungjae Im.... that is not silly money!!!!

    Have I missed anything? All ideas welcome.

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