Scotty Cameron Circle T Putter

Follow Thread

By John V

  • 11 Replies
  1. John V

    John V
    Battle creek, 0

    A friend of mine won this putter several years ago in a scramble. It has Tyson Alexander(PGA Tour) stamped on the back along with what appears to be a circle T but the T is more of an L. At Golf Galaxy, an employee there said this is a circle T but the slightly different stamping has me confused. Can anyone verify if this is a circle T? Thank you

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  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Not a Scotty, not a circle T.
  3. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Looks suspicious. I have never seen a stamping like this. To me it is an L and not a T. I'll be following this post to see what others think. This is a good one.
  4. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    I played with Tyson in a TT ProAm last summer (finished in 2nd place too) and he was gaming a Scotty F5 Circle T. I do not know what is in your picture, but it is not a Scotty.
  5. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    Possible that this is a Logan Olson putter?
  6. I don't think Scotty would ever do that to the sole of his putters, the cavity is not anything i've ever seen before
  7. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Really bad fake.
  8. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I have a few Circle T putters and none of them have that type of stamping. Unfortunately i think it is a cheap fake, but to make sure you can send it to Scotty's Custom Shop for authentication.
  9. Might be a custom putter but doesn’t look like a Scotty. The top right corner, the way the back of the face runs into the sole doesn’t look like anything I have seen on a scotty
  10. That is Tyson Lambs logo. Great putter but not SC CT!
  11. Jason S

    Jason S
    Wausau, WI

    Scotty used to make circle L putters (loser) for friends he beat if I recall correctly. I don't recall ever seeing one for sale from the studio. That does not look like what is on that putter.
  12. Fake !!!

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