Dogs on the Golf Course

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By WakeForestFan

  • 34 Replies
  1. How many of you take your dogs on the course with you? It was 4 years ago today that I started taking my dog Macy on the course with me. I had just read an article in Golf Digest about golfers taking taking their dogs on the courses in Scotland. I was intrigued and gave it a try and she did very well. She is a Lab/Border Collie mix and I didn't realize how intelligent she was till we got on the course. Now after 2 years of training she is my Service Dog and she also works as a Therapy Dog in Physical Therapy Clinics in Burlington,NC

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  2. Wade W

    Wade W
    Roanoke, VA

    My home course is dog friendly.

    Nothing quite like walking with mine running alongside.

    Love to play in the heather, explore the creekbeds, and "help" when I hit one in the high stuff.

  3. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Unless it's a service dog, as in your case, I'm not a fan of pets on the golf course. We have a big problem here at PGA GC with joggers, bike riders and dog walkers as we have continuous cart paths on all courses.
  4. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Got paired with a couple white in Palm Springs in the summer and they let the dog (pug) run amuck.. Was running from yard to yard and doing business where ever it wanted.. And it was 105 outside and they didn't have water for the dog.. Sorry, but I don't think they belong on the course, leave them at home. Just my opinion.
  5. I agree with that,my dog stays right with me,I carry a 2 liter bottle of water with me when she walks with me.We stop every three holes for a water break. She is very good at locating my ball when I hit it off line.
  6. Andrew F

    Andrew F
    Pueblo, CO

    I think it would be awesome to train my dog to find my ball. It would save me a lot of time when I play a round. Ha ha
  7. Military
    I played St. Andrews last month with a local and he brought his chocolate lab out. The dog was well-behaved and the owner cleaned up after him. Personally, I like the idea and enjoyed the experience.
  8. Brandon P said:

    I played St. Andrews last month with a local and he brought his chocolate lab out. The dog was well-behaved and the owner cleaned up after him. Personally, I like the idea and enjoyed the experience.

    When I read the article,the dog has to be trained to be able to go on the course over in Europe. Some dogs take to it and some don't. When I first started with my dog,I started her with treats to make her stay and she just took to it.
  9. Rick D

    Rick D
    Weston, WI

    My wife and I played at St. Andrews and other courses in East Lothian this fall. We saw a lot of people with dogs on the courses and all of them were very well mannered. We came home with the opinion that people in Scotland take the time to train their dogs better than people here in the States.
  10. Scott S

    Scott S

    Brandon P said:

    I played St. Andrews last month with a local and he brought his chocolate lab out. The dog was well-behaved and the owner cleaned up after him. Personally, I like the idea and enjoyed the experience.

    I used to live in St Andrews and I was a links ticket holder. It was extremely common for people to take dogs with them on the course.

    My spaniel is quite reactive around birds and other dogs, so I have never taken him onto the course.
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  11. My perspective, same with music, where you leave the rake, or pace of play, as long as it doesn't interfere with anyone else's game, good to go.

    Love to see a good boy being a good boy, but no barking or unbagged poop, please.
  12. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    They don't call dogs man's best friend for nothing!! I played Belgrade Lakes with my pup this summer, and looking back, it might have been one of most enjoyable rounds of my life. Spending time with my dog is one of my favorite pastimes so combining it with golf made for a uniquely memorable experience.

    As a 10 year old bulldog I don't think he'd make it walking 18 holes without some major pace of play issues, so we rode in the cart. He and I both cherished every second of it. I don't know what it is, but that dog can make me smile in pretty much any situation. Hit a good shot or a bad shot- the dog still looks at you the same. I guess scratches and pets after birdies feel a lot like scratches and pets after bogies...

    Belgrade Lakes is phenomenal for a lot of reasons; not only are they a top 100 course, but they're also 100% dog friendly, and in as good of shape as any course I've played. It's got all the benefits without any of the bourgeois that often accompanies top 100 accolades. In all honesty, I was worried about him relieving himself and harming the turf, but the staff said to keep him from doing his business on the greens/clean up after him and everything would be fine. I'm not sure how they pull it off, but from a conditions standpoint, there isn't a trace of a K9.

    Belgrade is proof that dog friendly courses can work. IMO Just like anything, if people are responsible and respectful, a round with you dog is simply a wonderful thing to enjoy. Unfortunately the people that rip around in carts, litter, and fail to fix ball marks, fill divots or rake bunkers can not take responsibility for themselves let alone their pets.

    I think there should be a certification program or code of conduct etc to ensure the dog will behave and the owner will be responsible for it. It might not be the worst idea to apply that logic to people too...
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  13. Abby L.

    Abby L.
    Providence, RI

    Team Titleist Staff
    Oh man, could be a top 5 favorite pic on Team Titleist. Must meet this pup!
  14. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    Abby L., Team Titleist Staff said:

    Oh man, could be a top 5 favorite pic on Team Titleist. Must meet this pup!

    Anytime Abby, but be warned, he's quite the charmer and an aggressive snuggler.
  15. Tim Tiger

    Tim Tiger
    Tucson, AZ

    Hotsauce said:

    They don't call dogs man's best friend for nothing!! I played Belgrade Lakes with my pup this summer, and looking back, it might have been one of most enjoyable rounds of my life. Spending time with my dog is one of my favorite pastimes so combining it with golf made for a uniquely memorable experience.

    As a 10 year old bulldog I don't think he'd make it walking 18 holes without some major pace of play issues, so we rode in the cart. He and I both cherished every second of it. I don't know what it is, but that dog can make me smile in pretty much any situation. Hit a good shot or a bad shot- the dog still looks at you the same. I guess scratches and pets after birdies feel a lot like scratches and pets after bogies...

    Belgrade Lakes is phenomenal for a lot of reasons; not only are they a top 100 course, but they're also 100% dog friendly, and in as good of shape as any course I've played. It's got all the benefits without any of the bourgeois that often accompanies top 100 accolades. In all honesty, I was worried about him relieving himself and harming the turf, but the staff said to keep him from doing his business on the greens/clean up after him and everything would be fine. I'm not sure how they pull it off, but from a conditions standpoint, there isn't a trace of a K9.

    Belgrade is proof that dog friendly courses can work. IMO Just like anything, if people are responsible and respectful, a round with you dog is simply a wonderful thing to enjoy. Unfortunately the people that rip around in carts, litter, and fail to fix ball marks, fill divots or rake bunkers can not take responsibility for themselves let alone their pets.

    I think there should be a certification program or code of conduct etc to ensure the dog will behave and the owner will be responsible for it. It might not be the worst idea to apply that logic to people too...
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    Uno is "The Man" of the dogs. He does bring a smile to your face.

  16. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Great dog! Our family (actually my son) has a bulldog named Luigi. He's also 10 I have a private course near my house. We'll walk 3 or 4 holes in the off season, but that's about as far as he can go.

    I'll try and find a good pic and post it.
  17. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    Dogs not allowed on our course.
  18. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    Uno is an amazing dog... Best bull dog I've ever seen.. Nice pic and be happy to bring Uno with me if he wants to hit up Belgrades again :)
  19. S. C.

    S. C.
    Tampa, FL

    I had a lab/border collie mix. Smart as paint. And your dogs sound like real sweethearts. But I'm afraid bringing dogs to the golf course is a slippery slope, just like people bringing comfort animals onto airplanes. It'll be an avalanche of out of control animals. Sorry, but one bad apple spoils it for everybody.
  20. David S

    David S
    Laguna Niguel, CA

    Some years back I was watching The Masters on TV, and like most people who watch sports on when they are home alone, I was talking to the TV. It was the last time Fred Couples was in the hunt to win another green jacket until he faded. "Come on Freddy," I would say, "Let's go!" And Fred the dog jumped up and ran to the back door, thinking he was going for a walk. "Sit Freddy," I yelled when Couples knocked his approach on the green, "SIT!" And Fred the dog sat. "No Freddy, NO!" i yelled when Couples hit it into Rae's Creek, and Fred the dog looked at me very confused, wondering what he had done wrong, since he was just laying on the floor sleeping.

    I told you that to tell you this: Fred enjoyed going to the golf course with me. He was deadly at finding my wayward Titleists (I believe his eyesight was better than his nose), and he enjoyed meeting other golfers if we ran into them. I trained him very well, so he was no bother to anyone, and like me, he walked the entire 18 holes. We usually went late in the afternoon to avoid other golfers, and often enjoyed a beautiful sunset by the 18th hole. As long as your dog behaves, stays close and you pick up after him, I'm all for it.
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  21. That's a wonderful story. Our dogs are awesome.
  22. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I keep seeing this dog running loose on our course. No collar, no owner to be seen. He even runs though our bunkers and chases our ground squirrels.
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  23. David S

    David S
    Laguna Niguel, CA

    HAHAHAHAHA! Good one.
  24. I believe that is a local coyote......
  25. Lance P

    Lance P
    Hillsborough, NC

    The dog and the owner/golfer must be in sync. There are times with the dog running loose and not listening or the owner not paying attention when it can all go wrong. My wife and I love dogs and we love golf but we don't think the two mix well and (as stated by another post) it only takes one bad incident for all dogs to be blamed.
  26. Golfing with dogs is as ancient as the sport itself. All of the top courses in the UK welcome dogs (eg. St. Andrews, Wentworth, Sunningdale, Loch Lommond, Muirfield). It is a bonus dividend to every round (giving the dog an exceptional walk). Our dog, Grace, is super adept at sniffing out balls hit into the rough (pointing at them, not retrieving them) that we would never had found (she is getting a bit upset with us now that our game is improving with fewer wayward shot meaning less treats for her). She is the face of the leading website that covers this whole subject in exacting detail (especially for the UK) -
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  27. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    When open for play, dogs, joggers, and bikes are not allowed on the public course where I play. We have many distractions for dogs, such as squirrels, geese, foxes, and six holes run along two very busy highways. I am a dog lover and leave mine at home.
  28. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    I see the dog owner and golf club liable if the pooch bites someone.. Ive heard and seen the old adage several times "he's friendly" and the dog nips someone!
  29. Paul T

    Paul T
    alpharetta, GA

    I truly enjoy dogs but I do not own one. I see alot of "fanatacism" (if that's a word) continuing to build in society.
    Personally I don't like the trend of people starting to bring their dogs everywhere - planes, hotels, grocery stores, etc.

    While dog lover generally take great offense to others not absolutely loving their pride and joy - understand that some people (my wife) has very bad allergies and gets totally whacked around most pets or where they left their mark.

    Keep your dogs at home, don't push your religion on me please.

    I know my opinion is not popular and I'm not looking to start anything...just a perspective that not everyone looks favorably to you and Fido having a romantic moment in public.
  30. Paul T said:

    I truly enjoy dogs but I do not own one. I see alot of "fanatacism" (if that's a word) continuing to build in society.
    Personally I don't like the trend of people starting to bring their dogs everywhere - planes, hotels, grocery stores, etc.

    While dog lover generally take great offense to others not absolutely loving their pride and joy - understand that some people (my wife) has very bad allergies and gets totally whacked around most pets or where they left their mark.

    Keep your dogs at home, don't push your religion on me please.

    I know my opinion is not popular and I'm not looking to start anything...just a perspective that not everyone looks favorably to you and Fido having a romantic moment in public.

  31. Not aware that anyone in my club takes the dog round with them. There is a public right of way across the course that crosses in front of the 12th and 4th tees. It's not a wide path but we get walkers, cyclists, horse riders and dog walkers wandering across the place. The dogs can be quite exuberant!!
  32. keeps the geese off course
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