Good putting tips

Follow Thread

By Chuck Z

  • 8 Replies
  1. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    You know when I find some good tips, as simple as they may be, I like to pass them on. Afterall, I am a simple person by nature. Alignment is an issue I find myself having a problem with at times but I always go back to old school of plumbobbing. Does not always work for everyone, but I like it. Again, putting is about confidence and doing what works for. Hope you enjoy the read. Covers ten common issues.

  2. Diego D

    Diego D
    Miami, FL

    Great read! Thank you, Chuck.
  3. TRN


    Thanks for the page Chuck. It is a great reminder
  4. Deno

    New Jersey

    Good tips Chuck. I must add that if I took as much time checking the line from all sides, using the green books like the Pros, I'd drop 5 strokes a round.

  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Deno said:

    Good tips Chuck. I must add that if I took as much time checking the line from all sides, using the green books like the Pros, I'd drop 5 strokes a round.


    If I am between 25 and 30, I am a happy camper......
  6. Pabby91

    Scotland, UK

    Great article, thanks for the post chuck, will have to keep some of these in mind at the course, my putting seems to be so hot and cold at the moment. If I feel I'm having an off day my confidence takes a hit and that's when I tend to have some struggles on the short stuff.

  7. Tom B

    Tom B
    Northborough, MA

    Best tip I over got was 30 years ago. Slight forward press to start your backswing and get the process moving. Much like Gary Player kicks his left knee to begin his backswing on full shots
  8. James H

    James H

    Great article Chuck, thank you for posting. It's good to re-focus on the basic elements of putting when struggling on the greens.

    I went through a bad spell of missing putts inside 4ft. I was missing 1 per round and when playing off scratch it was putting a lot of pressure on the rest of my game.

    I think I became a little complacent so i now take more care and attention over these putts than i do any other length of putt and it has defintely helped
  9. Thanks Chuck, a great review of the fundamentals.

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