Upcoming Hip Replacement

Follow Thread

By Guy W

  • 31 Replies
  1. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I don't have a personal experience but I remember both Jack Nicklaus and Tom Watson had it done. For some reason I seem to remember Watson was back playing the senior tour pretty quickly after his. Best of luck with yours and wishing for a quick recovery and pain-free future.
  2. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Thanks Dale. I'm going to ask the surgeon if this is going to improve my golf game lol. Lord knows I need the help.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Wishing you the very best of luck. Let me know how it goes. Right now am suffering from hip pain as well and am restricted to riding a cart. My orthopedic surgeon team says not bad enough for replacement yet but the pain continues. Have good and bad days. I take 800mg of Ibuprofen three times a day and it helps along with the arthritis in the lower back (Dr. has approved this med and do bloodwork to ensure no damage to kidneys). I also am interested in feedback, because am going back and get some more X-rays and see where we stand after our trip to Florida. Am having a kidney stone removed next Thursday, in/out surgery. Rather large and wanted it done before heading south. All I need was it to flare up while I was at Streamsong. The advantage of being a senior citizen. Have talked to a number of buddies who have had the surgery and they have been very happy and wished they had done it sooner. Seems the recovery is not as long as your would anticipate as long as you follow the PT and instructions. Cannot remember the exact downtime, but was very surprised. Good luck, pal.
  4. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Thanks Chuck. Hope you find relief in your future as well.
  5. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    Not my own experience, but my buddy just had his on last July 26th. August 10th, his doc gave him a release to do normal things he did before he had surgery with caution to stop if there is pain. August 13th, he was in the two day tournament I was in- his stride was normal, he played well and in the top tier. There may be a slight limp at the end of second day but almost not noticeable.
    Anyway, I believe he’s done the same procedure you’re about to have so it’ll be a quick for you as well.
    Good luck with that and keep us posted.
  6. Fred L

    Fred L

    Chuck Z said:

    Wishing you the very best of luck. Let me know how it goes. Right now am suffering from hip pain as well and am restricted to riding a cart. My orthopedic surgeon team says not bad enough for replacement yet but the pain continues. Have good and bad days. I take 800mg of Ibuprofen three times a day and it helps along with the arthritis in the lower back (Dr. has approved this med and do bloodwork to ensure no damage to kidneys). I also am interested in feedback, because am going back and get some more X-rays and see where we stand after our trip to Florida. Am having a kidney stone removed next Thursday, in/out surgery. Rather large and wanted it done before heading south. All I need was it to flare up while I was at Streamsong. The advantage of being a senior citizen. Have talked to a number of buddies who have had the surgery and they have been very happy and wished they had done it sooner. Seems the recovery is not as long as your would anticipate as long as you follow the PT and instructions. Cannot remember the exact downtime, but was very surprised. Good luck, pal.

    Good luck to all. Hope all goes well...
    Chuck, I just went through Kidney stone procedure size 8 stone. Had process lithotripsy where the use sound waves to break it up. Minimal pain to pass the fragments but the recovery from the process of the sound wave had some pain but was on Oxycodone.
  7. Military
    Wondering why your doc is telling you to delay but having you take 3x800mg Motrin each day and you’re restricted to a cart? You say you’re a senior citizen? How much longer does he want you to wait? I had my first at 43 and second at 52 and wish I had done my first sooner…was in the same boat…Vitamin M (as we call 800mg Motrin in the Navy) x 3 times a day…was crazy…lost all that good time in pain and tearing up my insides with Motrin…new hips last a very long time…and when they wear out, it’s at the other end (ie. When you’re really old and don’t need it anymore!)…I’d say get a second opinion if you are in that much pain…unless of course, there are other medical issues (you mentioned back) that are contributing and the hip isn’t that bad…my cartilage was gone…doc said it looked like a softball after a pit Bull chewed on it for an hour…
  8. Tyler_S

    Cypress, TX

    Wishing you all the best on a successful surgery. I have not had a hip replacement but a few years back I coached soccer along with a fellow coach that had it. The doctors wanted him up and moving right away with walking.

    I would imagine if all is well, you’d be chipping and putting 4-6 weeks after with easy swing a few weeks after that.

    Surgeries like that, the medical team wants you to resume full use and moving pretty quickly.

    Just remember to go slow after surgery and not rush back. Courses will still be waiting for you.

    Best of luck Guy.
  9. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Had both hips replaced, but at different times. The last was my right hip in 2017. They'll have you up and walking the same day of surgery, but just around the room. The harder you work on recovery, the better the end result. In the beginning I was "Non Weight Bearing" because my hip was so bad, so after 8 weeks of PT, I did chipping and putting for a week, then pitching and 1/2 swings for another week, then Irons for a week, then finally woods. After a week of woods, it was 9 holes for 2 weeks, then I was turned loose for 18 and back to normal. Now some may have found this a bit lengthy, but the end result was that you would never know that I had the surgery. Also, my Doctor is a single digit Handicap, and knows the game ( His 3 Aces are proudly displayed in the waiting room) and the protocol for returning to golfing form. Everybody has different circumstances regarding their surgery, but this is the outcome that worked for me.
  10. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Thanks Frank for the info. My diagnosis was extreme osteoarthritis of the left hip. My surgeon is one of the best in the area. Don't know if he golfs though lol. I appreciate that you shared your experience with me. Definitely helped.
  11. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Hey Guy, good to hear you're still able to play. I'm sure your health care providers are guiding you properly and you'll be back to normal in no time. I'm still working with original equipment, so I can't give you any suggestions. Good luck with the surgery and I hope to you see you again at another TT event.
  12. JAYW3


    I just had an appointment with a Specialist yesterday. I will have to have right hip replaced at some point. As of right now he wants me to manage it with Tylenol. Then, if that doesn't work, we'll try injections. Replacement as a last result. I'm happy to read from others that the recovery time isn't long and can resume playing the game that we all love.
  13. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    After looking at my x-rays in June, my surgeon said that I'd need it done in 4 to 6 months. The cartilage is basically gone and the bone has some flat spots forming. Much of what I've seen in my research has said to not put it off. It doesn't get better with time.
  14. Military
    Guy…my only regret on my first hip replacement (at 43 years old!) is that I didn’t do it sooner…it does not get better with time. HOWEVER, technology does! Do you know what material they are going to use? My first was ceramic on ceramic…my second one is ceramic on polyethylene (fancy plastic)…
  15. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    No details yet. I am going for the pre-op appointment about a month before. Hopefully I will get all the details at that time. Doing a CAT scan then also so they can digitally transfer information to the "robot" arm that they are using. From what I've learned, it keeps the surgeon from going too far while reaming out the hip socket. I'm kind of looking forward to getting done.
  16. JAYW3


    I just had an appointment with a Specialist yesterday. I will have to have right hip replaced at some point. As of right now he wants me to manage it with Tylenol. Then, if that doesn't work, we'll try injections. Replacement as a last result. I'm happy to read from others that the recovery time isn't long and can resume playing the game that we all love.
  17. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    Hope it works out well for you every one I have talked to said do your P.T. and it will work out great.
    I joined this forum two years ago with the question on knee replacement I still need to do both knees
    . I think it is time to do it and not put work instead of my health/pain first list. Good luck and fast recovery to you.
  18. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Good luck with your procedure also. I've heard knee replacements are a longer recovery but the results are worth it.
  19. My father had his left hip done when he was 89. He had it done the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, and he was back on the course by his birthday in mid February.
  20. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Thanks for the info. Good to know that he had a full recovery so quickly and was able to get back out on the course.
  21. Bill L

    Bill L
    Spring, TX

    Good Luck on your recovery.
  22. Military
    I’m 53. Had both hips replaced. One about 10 years ago (left hip), and the right hip in March 2021. Obvious answer is when your doctor tells you you can do things…and what procedure you get. Both of mine were posterior, which involves cutting more muscle in the rear, resulting in potentially longer recovery. That said, I was able to chip and putt within 4 or 5 weeks and full swings (slow) with irons about 8 weeks, and drivers around 10 weeks…was back on the course within 3 months…take it slow and let your body (and your surgeon) be your guide. Not sure what the protocol is for your surgeon, but after my first hip I had a full regiment of PT I had to go through. After my second, they said all I needed to do was walk, no special PT…However, that resulted in pretty much not having any glute muscle on my right side preventing me from turning through my swing among other non golf related stuff…I think they must think only older sedimentary folks get hips replaced and just want to walk. I wound up going and getting PT to strengthen up all those golf essential muscles. So, my advice, is to PREHAB! You read that correctly, start building up muscles now so that recovery is much easier. Clam shells, squats, etc…as long as they aren’t causing you pain…and even if it’s a little painful in the old hip…you’re getting rid of it anyway! At least that’s what my surgeon told me when I asked if I could do a triathlon a month before surgery…feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.
  23. Military
    Guy…just looked back at your post and see you are getting the anterior approach. That should aid in faster recovery absent any set backs…Also, about walking, I walk 99% of the time I play. I only ride when I play in tournaments with work where everyone is in a cart. Otherwise, I prefer the walk…keeps the hip nice and oiled up! Good luck! Again, reach out if you have any other questions.
  24. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Yes, everything I've read about the anterior approach says that I should be up and walking the same day. Most say normal activity within 6 weeks. Started walking the course in 2020 when they wouldn't let you play unless you walked. Would walk every round if I could. Only problem is that there are only two courses around me that aren't private that are walkable. One is always booked solid and doesn't allow walking on weekends. I only found the other one right before my hip started acting up. Going to spend a lot more time there after I get going again. Thanks for the offer of help. Also, thank you for your service.
  25. Don K

    Don K
    Louisville, KY

    I am 69. had my right hip replaced in 2011. Anterior approach. Walked that day in the room and went home the next day. Had 1 week of light lifting PT with the legs and the therapist said i didnt need any more treatment. No pain at all as soon as i put my foot on the floor. Trimmed my walk that afternoon. Doc told me i could hit chip shots in about 3 weeks and full swings at 6 weeks. I did that and never looked back. Easiest surgery i have ever had and i have had a bunch. A great doctor helps too. Good luck with your surgery.
  26. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Thanks Don. Your reply definitely helped to ease some anxiety. I do try to stay in decent shape so wasn't too worried but hearing your experiences was a big help.
  27. golfinnut

    Leesburg, VA

    I had my right hip replaced in January 2020. It was 4 months before I could swing a club again. My situation was not just a common occurring surgery. Plus I had complications with it. (won't bore you with details) But I can say it was some of the worst pain I've ever been in .... especially right after when the meds wore off.
    I had to revamp my whole swing. It hasn't been the same since the surgery. But hey ... I don't have as much pain anymore.
  28. George V

    George V
    Montgomery, AL

    Good luck with your surgery. I'm not sure if you've heard of Brig Gen (USAF Retired) Bob Hullender. Here is one quick interview with him, playing championship level senior golf with two hip replacements. You can do some more research on him and his accomplishments, but in this interview he talks a bit about the surgeries and recoveries. www.asapsports.com/show_interview.php
    We were members of the same course some years ago; a wonderful man and a pleasure to watch play the game.
    Good luck!
  29. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Hey y'all. Figured that I'd give an update. It's been just over six weeks since my hip replacement and I have to say I'm soooo glad that I had it done. Hip feels great. No limping anymore, swelling is down to almost nothing. Still can't get my leg high enough to put socks on easily but that's getting better every day. Went to the range yesterday and did a bunch of pitches and half swings with my putter and 7 iron. It was hard to not take a full swing but I was a good boy. Going to Dr. on Friday and hoping I get released for normal activity. Hopefully I'll be making full swings within the next couple weeks. Want to thank everyone for the helpful information and good wishes.
  30. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Hey there Guy. Sounds so good to hear positive news. Everyone I know down here who has had hip replacement has said they wished they had had it sooner. They followed their doctor's schedule and are playing again with no pain with their new hips and are walking. Wishing you a good recovery and lots of fun on the course. Hope to return myself sometime in March after the rehab (no surgery) and scheduled lessons. Maybe the TTI can be a little more fun this year if we make the cut. Glad to hear the news is GOOD NEWS. Your southern Carolina neighbor. =)
  31. Joe M

    Joe M
    Fire Lieutenant (Ret)

    Hi, can’t speak on the hip but I had total shoulder replacement 11/15/21 and started hitting wedges and chipping 3/1/22. Each week I was hitting longer clubs and played 18 holes before the end of March.
    Do all your therapy as prescribed and take the pain meds early on.

    Good luck!! Stay strong

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