Well, the past 3 years have been very up and down in my game(?). With Covid shutting things down, taking lessons again, doing swing changes for the better (distance and consistency) I hope, things are slowly clicking.
I know some of you will be going into hibernation shortly, many of you have simulators at home or putting greens to practice, but I'm just wondering how long does it take you to slowly start clicking on all cylinders.
I mean I swing on my scores sometimes 15 to 20 strokes. When it clicks its awesome, but when I'm off, wow I don't know where the faults are coming from. I can catch myself sometimes old swing/new swing, but doubt creeps in too.
Just like to know if others have this same problem. Do I just blow off the bad day and say its better than cleaning the yard or should I panic and practice like there be no tomorrow.