Consistent Contact

Follow Thread

By Texas.Golfer

  • 12 Replies
  1. Texas.Golfer

    Baltimore, Maryland

    How long after starting golf did it take you all to get consistent contact with the ball (less thinning and chunking)?

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    It's all relative. People improve at different rates. Seems easier for those transitioning from other hand-eye coordination sports than someone who never played baseball, hockey, tennis, etc. I've been playing for 40+ years and still have days when I feel like a beginner. I guess that's one of the things I love about the sport. No matter how long you play, you really never master it and every round can be a challenge but those occasional pure hit shots keep us coming back for more. Hope you end up feeling the same way and find enjoyment in the journey. Best of luck.
  3. Military
    Yup. I always enjoy watching videos of the pros shanking it after a day when I fire a few too many into places there’s no hope of finding it. No one is immune to bad shots, and that’s why golf is the most frustrating and rewarding sport at the same time.
  4. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    I like when you're watching a tournament on TV when the pros hit a bad shot. They look at the ground. They look at the club face. Then they look at the caddy with one of those lost expressions. It's pretty funny sometimes.
  5. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Have been playing for years and still have many "what the f@$k was that" moments. You have to accept that you'll have some bad days and just keep playing. That's why they sell golf balls by the dozen LOL.
  6. wormburner


    I thought it was only me! #&*%$!! comes out everytime I play. I guarantee its not the clubs or ball.
  7. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    It is much sooner if you take lessons.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Yeah those chilly poppers and toppers are rather common among us amateurs. One of my playing partners is also a teaching pro. Has been very helpful. He played on tour in his younger days and can look at your swing and tell you what your problem is. We have worked on alignment this year BUT, he constantly reminds me slow my swing down and to not stand so far way from the ball. Helps with the contact and the proof is in the pudding as the saying goes. He even talks to me when he is not playing. You know that little devil that sits on your shoulder. Even at 76 it is good to go to a pro for help. As long as you are open to learn your game can improve. =) Hakuna matata.
  9. Even the best in the world struggle with hitting it pure all the time. Taking a lesson to get the fundamentals of grip, stance and alignment help. If you get these right, not only will you be more consistent, but you will be better able to recover from a bad swing. Of course, this requires work, but a lot can be done at home, keep a club around and practice your grip, check your stance and alignment in a mirror.

    The other thing that separates golf from other ball sports is it is the only one where the ball doesn't move. It is much more intentional and not reactive. A little move, whatever works for you, helps to start the swing and keep a consistent rhythm. Hope this helps, enjoy the journey!
  10. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Consistency will come with practice, also don't be afraid to take what you practice on the range to the golf course. Even the best golfers in the world will have those moments when their swing leaves them for a second during the round but it's few and far between.

    If you find yourself not progressing in the direction you want, I would consider the advice of a PGA professional and they should get you back on track. One of the things I tell those who are new to the game is to look at the game of golf as a game of keeping mistakes to a minimum because you will never be perfect.
  11. Texas.Golfer

    Baltimore, Maryland

    Thank you all for the replies! I am glad I found this community!
  12. JGutierrez

    New City, NY

    Even the pros miss hit balls. No matter how good you get, Im guessing miss hitting the ball will always be part of everyones game.
  13. Greg B

    Greg B
    Shelby, NC

    Inconsistency happens to everyone sometimes, as stated just try to minimize mistakes but you’ll never be perfect. Most of all enjoy the game whether you score high or low that’s what’s about for me. Good luck

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