Trying to decide

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By Brandon P

  • 1 Reply
  1. Brandon P

    Brandon P
    North Carolina


    So I got fitted a while back for the T-200’s and absolutely love them but when winter comes around I drop about 10 to 15 yards which I understand, it happens. Back in March I was playing in a 3 day tournament and after day 2 of coming up short I went to a nearby golf store and tried the 300’s out. Loved the numbers I was getting so in the bag they went and played really well the next day. As it got warmer my distance was too much (if there is such a thing) and I’ve put the 200’s back in the bag. I’m looking forward to the new T Series coming out and I’m planning of getting a fitting in with them. Just curious if anyone has had a similar issue like this and do I keep the 300’s for the colder months or stick with one model?

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    In WI our handicap system sleeps from 11/1 to 4/1. Once everyone switches to hockey sticks the scores are meaningless.

    You’re dealing with atmospheric physics (denser air) and the temperature of the ball. While not allowed in USGA rules, you could try a hunting hand warmer to keep the balls at 90 degrees. But no one club can compensate for cold weather changes.

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