Back surgery

Follow Thread

By DHarp

  • 8 Replies
  1. Military

    Does anyone have any tips for coming back to golf after back surgery? I’m 21 and just had a microdiscectomy. I was a 2 handicap before the surgery and I’m worried about how to ease back into it but also put in the work to get to where I was and better.

  2. Joe M

    Joe M
    Fire Lieutenant (Ret)

    Do all the physical therapy, Give yourself time to heal and don’t rush
  3. Truth, all the best!!!
  4. Greg B

    Greg B
    Shelby, NC

    First thing is not to rush or, listen to your doctor. Next thing is no X-Factor swing, let your hips and body turn naturally, do not try to restrict the lower body against the upper. I had back surgery over 20 years ago ruptured L1 disc. I play mostly pain free by just using common sense and letting the body do what it naturally does. Watch some of Shawn Clement’s videos on YouTube and he explains it in a very and concise way.
  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Understand that normal recovery is around six weeks for this procedure. You are young and I am sure your neurosurgeon has prescribed physical therapy. Follow his instructions and your Physical Therapist. Do your daily exercises until they release you to start swinging again. I have scoliosis and at my age (77) surgery is not a cure for me. Only pain management, PT, and daily exercises. Cold weather is a real bummer. You should be good as long as you follow the doctors orders. I play golf now for the love and fun of the game, enjoying scores in the 90s and great memories.
  6. Military
    Hoping you have a full recovery and get some relief!
  7. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    May want to check to find expertise in Sports Medicine. Knees, hips, shoulders, and backs need specialized routines to extend their life. This is in addition to PT to return to normal life. TPI consultants have access to the best tips for professional golfers that put more stress on backs, etc, than us mere mortals. At 21 you need folks with sports expertise rather than the routine of dealing with old geezers for degenerative disease of age.

    As noted, you only get one back. Don't rush getting back to "normal".
  8. I agree with Don O. I am a Licensed PT and am TPI Certified. Find a Sports PT with experience and a good handle on not trying to rush you back to golf. Be patient with yourself and adjust your expectations as you move through the recovery process. Develop the aspects of your game you may have not addressed as much before the surgery that are safe for your back as you continue to heal. All the best.
  9. All of the above. Take your time, see a physician in sports medicine to direct your PT. I had an cervical and lumbar discectomy, (2 years apart) and I wish I had completed the PT. Cost me distance

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