Accenture Match Play Sun-Tues

Follow Thread

By Marc S

  • 3 Replies
  1. Marc S

    Marc S
    San Antonio, TX


    My wife and I went out to Tucson early. It's been our experience that the players are more accessible during the practice rounds. As you can see by a few of the pics, it was more than true. All I did was ask. 95% were cool about it. I think pictures are great cause they last forever.

  2. Team Titleist Staff

    Great shots, Marc!

    Thanks for sharing. Looks like you had a good time and missed the snow day.


  3. Mike P.

    Mike P.
    Bethpage, NY

    NIce pictures. I'm jealous especially because you got a pic with Rickie (my personal favorite).

  4. Tom S.

    Tom S.
    Pasco Wa

    WOW!!!Thanks for sharing Marc! Ya the players looked real relaxed taking the pics with you and your wife!AWESOME MAN!!! Thats really cool!

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