Travel Equipment/Bags

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By Kevin M

  • 2 Replies
  1. Kevin M

    Kevin M
    Maple Grove, MN

    Hello all, 

    I have been looking into traveling out of the cold Minnesota Spring to play golf further south. Need some help deciding what type of golf travel bag to get. I don't know a lot of these brands that I am seeing online and don't want the airlines to break my clubs. Hard or soft cover? Thanks for the help Team Titleist! 



  2. george t

    george t
    Old Lyme, CT


    Club Glove Last Bag.  They don't give them away, but an incredibly durable travel bag.  I also strongly recommend the Stiff Arm accessory, although there are inexpensive methods of making one of those yourself.  There is also room for your shoes and towels.  

    Just don't make the mistake I did and "over pack" the bag.  I had too much weight in there, so I was pulling balls and a second pair of shoes out and stuffing them into my carry on.  It looked like I was having a tag sale at the baggage check!


  3. John C

    John C
    Hopkins, MN

    I've traveled from Minnesota to San Diego twice this year and am headed to North Carolina next month. I've also been to Ireland in the last 18 months, plus many other trips. I've always used the same black Club Glove with a "stiff arm" with no problems. I can't recommend Club Glove highly enough. Safe travels. J.A.C.

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