TT Midwest get together (Early).

Follow Thread

By Curtis M

  • 9 Replies
  1. Well with the white stuff on the ground and my lack of planning last year, I figured I'd start now on planning a little get together for anyone interested this coming season.   I have a new job that does not include me being on TT quite a few times a day now (no computer), so I'll try to check in as much as I can.   Leave a post here about where and what time of the year you would like and hopefully we can all figure out something.   Feel free to send a friend request or PM me.   To anyone that had my email, I might have changed it so to those interested I will give out my new one.   Hope everyone had a nice holiday season and look forward to seeing you again!

  2. mikeberlin

    Kansas City, MO

    What part of the midwest (I'm in KC)? Do you all do this regularly? I'm just getting started in the Team Titleist land so I'm a little out of the loop.

  3. Welcome Mike!   We actually have only organized 1 outing (since I have been TT) for the Midwest and it was in Silvis IL at Deere Run.   Purpose of the post is to just get some ideas where people would like to go, and how far they are willing to travel so we can hopefully agree on something that works for everyone.   I'll shoot you a freind request and PM with my email info.  Take care!

    Barry, always up for a get away.   I'll let you know as well my email info and we can stay connected.   

  4. mikeberlin

    Kansas City, MO

    Thanks! Are there any good places at the Ozarks or in Arkansas? Not a big deal to travel, just needs to be on the weekend and have a bit of notice. Looking forward to it.

  5. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO



    Hopefully you get an outing scheduled this year.  Summer would be great (July, August) and as long as the drive isn't to long from St Louis.

    I'm also working with another TT member here in the metro St Louis area to put together an outing this summer.  So you might want to come visit us.


  6. Ray T.

    Ray T.
    Wilmette, IL

    I'm interested and flexible on timing and location.  "Let's do this!"

  7. Matt W

    Matt W
    Troy, IL

    Also in the midwest, about 20 minutes from St. Louis would love to get together with some other Team Titleist members.

  8. Tyler H

    Tyler H
    Appleton, WI

    I would be interested along with a few others from my club that attended the one at Deere Run. We are located in NE Wisconsin.

  9. Hello!
    It's been awhile since I've been on. Since the last time we did the Midwest get together at Deer Run with Curtis. Long time no talk Curtis. How have you been? I'm always in for something this summer. The last outing we had Team Titleist was very generous and sent goodies for us to hand out to all who attended.
    I'm sure i can get a group or two together to travel. Anyone have any ideas on what course sounds interesting?

  10. I'm interested and in the midwest (Kansas).

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