Chambers Bay, end of August

Follow Thread

By Speedy

  • 7 Replies
  1. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    I'm heading to Seattle at the end of August to visit my brother and his family. He lives less than an hour away from Chambers Bay and it's definitely on my radar to play.

    Anyone local interested in meeting up with me and playing a round? I'm an average golfer and just looking to have a good time. I'm thinking either Wednesday, August 24th or Thursday, August 25th. Only days that are good for me at the moment.

    And I'm always willing to listen to any tips or suggestions that may help my round :)


  2. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    I wish I could make the trip with you. Chambers looks like a challenge and a lot of fun. I love Seattle too. You're going to have a great time. Be sure to take lots of pictures.
  3. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    It be great to have ya bud! They book tee times 90 days out which is nice but can't make one as a single.. So gotta keep checking the site and hopefully a spot opens up by the time August rolls around.. Be fun to play and i'll be taking lots of pics for sure....
  4. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    Good for you.....I can't get my buddies to cross the state of Florida, much less go anywhere exotic......I've done the "flying solo" thing numerous times, but a group is so much better......To top it off, my little group heading to Michigan in September has dwindled from 8 to 5......LOL
  5. Ethan J

    Ethan J
    Woodinville, WA

    Chambers Bay is awesome, I have played it three times so far. It's unlike any golf course here in Western Washington. You will enjoy it. Only advice I can offer is get there early as they shuttle you from the clubhouse to the practice tee and to the first tee. If you can afford it, get a caddy it will make a big difference. Enjoy and report back your thoughts of the course.

    I will try and upload some pictures shortly.
  6. Brian N

    Brian N
    Brookline, MA

    Agreed with Ethan on the caddie tip - I took the cheap route \ and carried my own and felt it for the next few days as it is a tough walk. It is an amazing experience, so enjoy!
  7. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    Thanks Ethan and Brian. I did get a caddie. Never experience one before so definitely loooking forward to it.. I do have a tee time at 3:36, think i'll get 18 in? Not sure when the sunset is over there or how long the rounds are over there.
  8. Ethan J

    Ethan J
    Woodinville, WA

    Yes, you will get the round in. Right now it gets dark around 9:30 so I think you will be good to go. I keep trying to post pictures but for some reason it's not letting me. But it is a beautiful place for sure!! Have fun!

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