
Follow Thread

By AShirah

  • 7 Replies
  1. I am a special education teacher and have everything with titleist on it... except for a lanyard. How can I get one. I am willing to pay whatever I need to for one.

  2. Just keep contributing to the forums and you will be surprised at the mail one day.

    Titleist has the best Customer service in the industry and takes care of there loyal golfers like no other!!

  3. Chris B

    Chris B
    Monroe, LA

    Ashirah - as a special ed teacher, you provide a valuable service to your community. I would be glad to give my barely used TT lanyard to you in thanks for the work that you do.

    I am sure someone there is a way for us to exchange mailing addresses.

  4. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO


    Chris B said:

    Ashirah - as a special ed teacher, you provide a valuable service to your community. I would be glad to give my barely used TT lanyard to you in thanks for the work that you do.

    I am sure someone there is a way for us to exchange mailing addresses.

    Chris and Aaron,
    Add each other as a friend and you can send private messages to each other.
  5. WMaselli

    New York

    I got one a few months ago by going on eBay. You can always check there from time to time
  6. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Thank you for all you do in education. My wife retired last year after 31 years as a Elementary School Guidance Counselor after tenures at two different school districts. My heart goes out to teachers and their efforts. If you do not get a lanyard, friend me and I will make sure you get one. Cheers, Chuck
  7. DC


    That's an awesome gesture, most people wouldn't think twice about giving something back.
  8. Bryce M

    Bryce M
    Dallas, TX

    That's a wish of mine as well, as an elementary teacher, and that's awesome on you, Chris, for giving him yours.

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