Next up; Chambers Bay...

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By Speedy

  • 11 Replies
  1. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    A few weeks ago I played Bethpage Black with a few buddies and had a blast. That course is unbelievable and hoping to play there again next year....

    Next week my family and I will be in Seattle visiting my brother and his family. My brother only lives an hour away from Chambers so it's a no brainer. I got a twilight tee time for $99, hard to beat that and also got myself a caddie. This will be the first time I have ever had my own caddie so I'm really looking forward to this. I'm hoping I play a little better than I did at Bethpage but just looking forward to having a great time.

    Oh yeah, my wife tells me you should rent out there. HA! My clubs are coming with me, no way i'm renting at Chambers Bay dear... We're flying Southwest so there's no baggage fees.. WINNING!

    After Chambers Bay, Pinehurst for the TT Invitational. 3 US Open courses within 2 months is something I never thought would happen to me. Life is good, no complaints.

    I'll be happy to share my experience when i return.


  2. Marc W

    Marc W
    las vegas, NV

    That's awesome! I got to play Medinah no3 back in July through a buddy and he got us caddies. It was my first time having one ioand no greater feeling than hitting approach shot on green and being handed the putter. I too had to convince wife the clubs were coming with us, Lol
  3. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    That is a pretty epic stretch of golf Chris!!!
    Listen to your caddy...first time I used a Professional Caddy was a Whistling Straits a few years ago. He was amazing and totally enhanced the experience! If he/she is good you will master the greens!!!

    Dr. K
  4. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    Life is good with you indeed!

    Three US Open venues to play in and just weeks apart from each other. How cool is that!

    Focus more on your executions and abilities, take advantage of the caddy's knowledge and enjoy your rounds.

    Pop a bottle of champagne on the flight with your wife and play your clubs :-)
  5. Keith M

    Keith M
    Acworth, GA

    Congratulations on having the golf trips of a lifetime.

    I played East Lake back in June and that was the first time I had a caddie as well. Thanks to them, I putted better than I normally would.

    While it was nice having a caddie, the downside was walking the course in 90+ degree heat in the middle of the day. It was 6400+ yards of brutality.
  6. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    Great courses.

    Your caddy will really make a huge difference in how you approach the course, read the greens, and avoid hidden hazards. Thats the toughest part of playing a course for the first least for me. It's added cost but really makes the day more enjoyable.

    Have fun!
  7. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    I grew up at Bethpage. Did you play the Big Boy tees?........LOL
  8. Tyler H

    Tyler H
    Appleton, WI

    Chris sounds like a fantastic opportunity. I cannot wait to hear all about it.

    Play Well!
  9. Chris Hatem

    Chris Hatem

    Cant wait to see pictures from Chambers Bay, play well Speedy!
  10. george t

    george t
    Old Lyme, CT

    Oh man!! What a summer you're having Chris! Definitely share some photos when you return.
    BTW - you're right about bringing your own clubs. When playing courses like these, you want to share the experience with your 14 closest friends!
  11. Jim K

    Jim K
    Bel Air, MD

    Fantastic. My grandfather and his brothers took me to Bethpage when I was a kid. We got up really early, too little to recall, but we had a great time eating donuts and waiting for the course. I didn't play but they let me hit a shot now and again but I had to walk since I was a fifth even though not playing. No big deal for a 10 year old. Great memory. I'd like a chance to make the same rota you have set up!
  12. Wade W

    Wade W
    Roanoke, VA

    Quick Quiz: There are only six public US Open venues. Besides Bethpage Black, Pinehurst #2, and Chambers Bay, what are the other three?


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