Scotland Bucket List

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By Ron T

  • 12 Replies
  1. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    I won the lottery and purchased four tickets for The Open Championship at St. Andrews this summer! To say I'm excited is a bit of an understatement. We will be there for a couple of weeks and staying near Perth. My question is, has anyone been to an Open Championship and have any tips? What about playing in Scotland? Looking for things that I'd miss if I didn't know about them!

    Can't wait to see St. Andrews and play true links in Scotland!

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    The pro (retired, shop pro and golf course owner) I play with has spent a lot of time in Scotland and plans on spending even more time over there. Says he will be moving here to live six months out of the year. When he goes there he always plays St Andrews and the courses that are close to the old course. He loves staying in the community and the area. He loves the folks there and has made great friends at the local courses. Be prepared to walk.
  3. If you are staying in Perth try Carnoustie as well along with St Andrew’s
    It is a stiffer test and is also an Open venue
    About the same distance from Perth to travel as St Andrew’s
    Gleneagles is not too far but You are spoiled for choice really so it depends how far you want to to travel from your base
    South of Edinburgh you have Scotland’s “Golf Coast” with numerous top links courses right down to the English border
    I live about 30 miles south of the border in the north of England and drive north frequently to play these Fabulous corses
  4. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    I forgot to ask if you're a Newcastle United fan? I am all the way here in Texas which has meant much misery and travail until recently. Perhaps our fortunes are now turning at last...
  5. El bandito

    El bandito
    Fife Bonny Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    Couple of course to play I would recommend would be, kingsbarns, dumbarnie, gleneagles, castle Stewart, trump international and cruden bay some of my favourites. ️‍♂️
  6. Scott C.

    Scott C.
    Irvine, CA

    Definitely be prepared to walk, they'll think you are crazy for wanting to take a buggy, assuming the course has a buggy. Some places to play on that end of Scotland are Crail, Kingsbarns, Carnoustie, North Berwick, Gullane.

    You probably won't have much of a shot on getting on any of the courses run by St. Andrews during that time.

    You could also drive north towards Inverness and play Royal Dornoch. Also south of Glasgow are several courses in the open roto.

    Have fun.
  7. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    I enjoy walking and my son is 12 so he’s finally getting into it. He’s also big enough to carry his own clubs!
  8. If you can make it to Royal Dornoch and stay at the Inn. It’s like staying on a ski mountain, wake up and the fun is out the window. Dornoch is one of the best

    Aberdeen and Crudeness Bay are great links courses
  9. Bill V

    Bill V
    Bluffton, SC

    Even links you've never heard of are so fun to play. Problem is all these American groups of "20 closest friends" playing via tour bus have driven up the prices like mad and have made access just awful, especially when the Open is anywhere in Scotland.

    CALL NOW or go on the websites, but calling is still best. The smaller your group the better. In 1999 when Carnoustie hosted - as a single I got a 9 am two-ball at Royal Dornoch with a member who later took me to Luffness New - you just don't get to play Luffness, it was a stroke of dumb luck. As a single I even got on The Old Course and played behind Fluff Cowan, Jim Furyk and Furyk's manager. Those days are GONE.

    First of all - be aware of pace of play, 3 hours isn't considered too fast if you are lucky to avoid a medal, but playing behind the group ahead of you (And not just in front of the group behind) is imperative. It isn't like it was when I went to the Open at Carnoustie in 1999 - I played everywhere I wanted, often just calling the day before or making a time driving by before or after that days's round heading back to the house in Carnoustie or wherever I stayed for a couple of days - like at Dornoch. Unfortunately NOW is probably past the time.

    As for attending the Open Championship - nothing like it, the only tournament I will attend in person. Just go in and wander around, but be aware the seats in stands are all reserved.

    I stood behind Van de Veld on the 72nd and followed the whole thing in and stayed for the 3-hole playoff won by Lawrie. Literally go where you want, but watch the crowds, TOC is very small.
  10. Lori E

    Lori E

    I won 2 tickets as well, but ended up reselling them thru the Open ticket office. Couldnt find anyone to go along so figured someone else can enjoy them
  11. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    To see Tiger possibly recreate the magic at what may be his last big chance to win at St. Andrews?? Might have been a couple more stones to look under…
  12. John M

    John M
    Asheville, North Carolina

    Read Tom Coyne’s book to find some courses that aren’t famous but are still great.
  13. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    Thanks for the idea! I love the historical courses over the newer ones... if I'm going to play over there... I want to soak up as much of the games history as I can!

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