Chasing Scratch - a great listen and now a great watch

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By Ian K

  • 19 Replies
  1. Ian K

    Ian K
    Essex, United Kingdom

    Hi all.

    Well I may have mentioned on lockdown 1 I had been following a podcast for a while now called Chasing Scratch. A light hearted aim to get from 11 to scratch for a couple of family men.

    So much we can all relate to. And some giggles along the way.

    Well now Titleist have joined them to assist the journey.

    Defo worth a listen.

    But now they also have a YouTube Channel.

    Check it out here.

    Check it out here. Let me know if you can relate to their plight.

    Also when you get the their Final Majors they have between them at the end of the season you will get sucked in and feel like your there. lol

    Well done Titleist for offering support and not just making them play your equipment, allowing the class of the products to shine though


  2. Thanks Ian
    Will give that a viewing later - Always looking for something a bit different to watch.
  3. Ian K

    Ian K
    Essex, United Kingdom

    If you get a chance JT listen to the podcast as well.

    It’s great to have on in the background or travelling in the car.

    So many of their stories you can relate to. Especially those when the wheels come off a good round, or when you try something you have seen on YouTube and it ruins your game. lol.

    Use this link to the first episode and your get an idea what it’s all around.

  4. Ian,
    Thanks - I'll give it a listen...
  5. Simon Worsfold

    Simon Worsfold

    Thanks for the link.

    Will have a listen.

  6. I’ve been giving this a listen following your recommendation, and I’m really enjoying it. It’s a great that it’s from your average Joe’s perspective and agree there are plenty of laughs along the way.

    Thanks for recommending it, as i hadn’t never heard of it before despite having a look for Golf related podcasts recently.
  7. Cheers. Will give them a listen.
    Im sitting at 9.8. Hopfully get that down a couple this year
  8. Ian K

    Ian K
    Essex, United Kingdom


    Glad your enjoying it. Are you doing the podcast or the YouTube.

    The podcast has some great moments. Especially the epic last major in season one. It will have you sitting there eyes closed, imaging your there playing the shots.


  9. I watched the three Off Season videos on YouTube first, and have now gone back to the podcasts. Think I’m up to number 8 or 9 of the first season. Very entertaining, the ups and downs of golf that I think we can all relate to
  10. Ian K

    Ian K
    Essex, United Kingdom

    The Question is have you been able to relate the "Hi Wayne" moments to your own rounds.


    Sorry you will need to listed to get the joke.
  11. Oh most definitely. One of my last rounds before lockdown 5 under my handicap through 7, and then 3 massive slices out of bounds on the next tee. Wheels came off big style right there lol.
  12. Ian K

    Ian K
    Essex, United Kingdom

    Lol. My best one was first comp last season after lockdown, playing off 8 at the time.

    I was 1 over playing 8.

    8 is a 205 yard par 3, hit my 4 iron and wrist dislocated, I clicked it back in put some tape round it, couple of ibuprofen, in pain but gonna carry on.

    Ended up shooting a 79 (+8) with a 9 on the 15th, only to get told the club forgot to activate my handicap and score did not count. Lol.

    Next day virtual call with the doc. Wrist could hardly bend, had to rest for 2 months. Lol.

    So last year I think I managed 5 months of golf only.

  13. Ian K said:

    Lol. My best one was first comp last season after lockdown, playing off 8 at the time.

    I was 1 over playing 8.

    8 is a 205 yard par 3, hit my 4 iron and wrist dislocated, I clicked it back in put some tape round it, couple of ibuprofen, in pain but gonna carry on.

    Ended up shooting a 79 (+8) with a 9 on the 15th, only to get told the club forgot to activate my handicap and score did not count. Lol.

    Next day virtual call with the doc. Wrist could hardly bend, had to rest for 2 months. Lol.

    So last year I think I managed 5 months of golf only.

    You played on with a dislocated wrist!!
    Wow, that’s dedication right there
  14. Ian K

    Ian K
    Essex, United Kingdom

    Was lucky it popped straight back in. Though not sure if it was the greatest thing to do. The ligaments are only just getting back to normal.

    It hurt, but was having a good round. Lucky I had some Zinc tape in the bag to strap it up at the time.

  15. Brazeley

    Milton Keynes

    Thanks for the recommendation - will check it out.
  16. Jacko123


    Absolutely love the podcast from these chaps. Been following it for a couple of years.
    They have started doing some short YouTube clips now as well, was great to see what the boys actually looked like!
  17. Ian K

    Ian K
    Essex, United Kingdom

    Jacko123 said:

    Absolutely love the podcast from these chaps. Been following it for a couple of years.
    They have started doing some short YouTube clips now as well, was great to see what the boys actually looked like!

    So did they look like what you thought?

    I was way out. lol

  18. Jacko123


    Hahaha!! No they did not, me and my pal in my profile picture have been hanging on every new episode for years and have been so excited to see them. We were wayyyyy out.
  19. Thanks for the link, give it a go.
  20. I’ve been watching and enjoyed it so far - looking forward to seeing more of them on the course when the “season” starts

    Thanks for highlighting

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