Lost ball markers

Follow Thread

By Randasd

  • 1 Like
  • 4 Replies
  1. Randasd

    Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

    After many years of loyal service my TT ball marker has left me for a new journey. Maybe it was tired after all those missed putts, but wherever it may be I wish it and its new owner all the best. An empty case is all that remains to remind me of the good times!

    Post Image
  2. Christopher W

    Christopher W
    Oxford, UK

    Oh dear, RIP marker!. Nice to see a holder with lots of "character" and signs of use. I'm sure you'll track down a replacement some time soon, who knows, you might even develop a new good luck charm!
  3. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Save the case and attend a TT event in the UK and you are sure to get a replacement in the welcome bag. It might not be the exact one but will likely serve you well.
  4. Randasd
    Know what you mean - lost the magnetic centre to mine a while ago and now I see The Number 1 Ball in Golf reverse side rather than the reassuring white disc with Titleist 1.

  5. NMortimer

    Hertfordshire, UK

    Fingers crossed a new one will find you !

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