Vokey wedge

Follow Thread

By KBuchanan

  • 4 Replies
  1. Has anyone recently switched their pw of 10 years to a vokey? I received from my hubby for Christmas. I am very nervous about making the switch. Any advice?

  2. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    Nervous hug? go out and hit it you will probably love it he must think something about you if he gave you a vokey wedge :-).
  3. Frank W

    Frank W
    Little Elm, Texas

    I dropped my CNCPT-01 PW from my bag in lieu of a 46° SM-10. Best move In my bag yet!!!
    Post Image
  4. No need to be nervous a vokey is the best wedge you can have in your bag. You will probably get better ball stopping with your approach shots vs a regular wedge in your set.
  5. Unless the model is way off your type of swing you’ll love it. The shaft plays a big role to, the great thing is you can get it swapped out if you need it tweaked a bit. Nice gift!!!

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