WhereAbouts | Crabcakes and Golf


Crab cakes may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Pittsburgh. Not, that is, until you pay a visit to W. Rick's Taproom & Grill in the northern suburb of Butler, PA.

The General Manager of W. Rick's (known locally as The Dub), is Team Titleist member and avid golfer Talbot Reiber. His family owns and operates the friendly establishment and they pride themselves on their fresh fish and seafood selections, particularly their crabcakes.

So why are the crabcakes so special at The Dub? Talbot's unique name offers a clue: he's named for Talbot County, Maryland, where the Reiber family traces its roots. Talbot County lies in the heart of Maryland's Eastern Shore, and the Reibers brought their Maryland traditions and shellfish secrets with them when they came to Western Pennsylvania.

Get to know Talbot in the video above and if you're attending the Open this year, make sure to stop by The Dub, where they treat golfers like part of the family!

And for more stories from WhereAbouts | Steel City, PA, click here.
