In this strange time we are in I am glad that local courses are open to walk (my course is closed but others around are open in CT). I have seen groundskeepers be very creative on protecting us from removing the flag and touching the cup, and for that am thankful at their ingenuity. I have seen thus far:
-pool noodle cut and stuffed in
-the actual plastic cup raised up 1 1/2 inches
-a piece of pvc pipe on the flagpole
All to keep the ball from going in the cup . So my question is have you seen any other ways it’s been done? Which has been your favorite thus far? I know it has changed my game a bit and my putter is much more heavy due to only having to hit the cup not sink it. Love to hear some thoughts on this for those of you lucky enough to still be able to play. Stay safe and swing straight TTers!