Quick Poll: Do you use an alignment aid on your golf ball?

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By Emily B., Titleist Staff

  • 184 Replies
  1. I don't trust my eyes
  2. Deno

    New Jersey

    I'm in the very small group who voted no lines. Never learned that way. I've always used a straight back and through stroke to get the ball rolling with topspin. Plenty of golf pros teach taking the putter back inside the line. Never thought that type of putting stroke and ball alignment marks went well together.

  3. I fill in one dimple with a blue Sharpie and just focus on that blue dimple. The color blue also relaxes me and I put the same blue dots on my tees and gloves (three dots on my left knuckles). Putts keep dropping.
  4. I love the triple trac lines cally uses so I bought a triple trac ball marker and put those same lines on my AVX and love it.
  5. DSmith


    I’ve used a line on my ball since high school. I’m visual. If I don’t I m just not consistent with my start line.
  6. No alignment aid, not even the script on the ball. For me, trying to line it up perfectly adds one more variable that can go wrong—and if the line is just barely off, it seems like the actual putt is exponentially off line. I prefer the feel I have when standing over the ball with no marks showing.
  7. Paul S

    Paul S
    Glen mills, PA

    Gotta use an alignment aid inside 4 feet
  8. I like to use an alignment aid on the ball only while putting. Also, I use the Titleist logo line or the black line already on the ball. I try to use it so that I’m forced to sloooow doooown and look at the entire shot. I have a tendency to overlook the putt at times.
  9. DRiffle

    Dayton, OH

    I use the Titleist “model” line both off the tee and on the green. Helps me to think about swinging down the line.
  10. Patrick H

    Patrick H
    West Hills, CA

    I use the alignment on both putts and driving in some circumstances. For the driver, I use it when I get to a hole that does not "fit my eye." I find that by using the alignment, I know if I smash it through that line I made, I will be good more often than not. As for putting, I was taught as a kid over 40 years ago to picture a 3-4 inch wide line from the hole to the ball, taking into account the break and speed. I use the alignment to center my ball on that line back to the hole and try to putt solidly down the middle of that line. If you ever saw the last putt that Matt Damon's character made in "The Legend of Bagger Vance," that is actually how I was taught to see it. When I first saw that scene, I was thinking: "OH, he is going to make this putt." Alignment lines are also great for putting practice if you are filming straight putts. When you go back to look at video, you can see if the line is revolving straight on the path or wiggling.
  11. I have found the ONPOINT 3D Marker to be extremely effective with visualizing my line. In addition to helping me reduce strokes, it is approved and conforms to the Rules of Golf.

    Their website OnPointGolf.US is can explain the technology. It is worth a look.
  12. I have found the ONPOINT 3D Marker to be extremely effective with visualizing my line. In addition to helping me reduce strokes, it is approved and conforms to the Rules of Golf.

    Their website OnPointGolf.US is can explain the technology. It is worth a look.
  13. I stopped using lines and started making more longer putts
  14. I have found the ONPOINT 3D Marker to be extremely effective with visualizing my line. In addition to helping me reduce strokes, it is approved and conforms to the Rules of Golf.

    Their website OnPointGolf.US is can explain the technology. It is worth a look.
  15. Marc S

    Marc S
    Potomac Falls, VA

    I have an astigmatism, so when I stand behind the ball and line it up, then stand over the ball, it looks like it is pointing about 30-degrees offline.
  16. I use the model number for putts and the script for teeing off.
  17. I use the ball alignment for putting and off the tee. I started a long time ago using the alignment off the tee when my pro was trying to get me to hit more inside out on the ball. Helps a lot. I had used the putting alignment off and on. But, when I got my new Scotty Cameron 11 X I stared using the alignment. Improved my contact spot.
  18. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    Nope like a clean looking ball use to use one and it seemed to take my feel away from the speed of the putt.
    Now just line up and worry more about the speed help me make a lot more puts for me anyway.
  19. I don't add additional alignment marks to my ball but use markings already printed on the -Pro V1x. Off the tee the marking is vertical on the clubhead side and on the green, I use it to aim at the intended line.
  20. I like the Pro v with the double lines, but they are hard to come by now.
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