What's everyones goals this year

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By Victor Orr

  • 109 Replies
  1. Break 70!!!
  2. CDimun

    Butler pa

    My goal is to become a single digit handicap I’m a 12.8 rn!!!
  3. scott byiers

    scott byiers

    Ive set myself a few for this coming season.

    1- try lower my hcp index
    2- under par round
    3- scratch club champion for the second time

    Most importantly though is just to have fun as everything flows so much better
  4. Goals for 2022
    Get my 714 mbs refinished back to new
    And improve my short game
  5. Dan S

    Dan S
    Westchester, IL

    Minimize 3 putts, play more courses, and play more golf than last year.
  6. David ARK

    David ARK
    Long Beach, NY

    Stay healthy, play some new courses, have fun and connect with some new Team Titleist members.
  7. Rob L

    Rob L

    Break my lowest score (78) and get my handicap down to 5 (stretch goal)
  8. tyler g

    tyler g
    Colorado Springs, CO

    Number one "golf" priority is to play more golf this year. I played less than 10 rounds last year so I feel I need to make up for that. :)

    - Play one new course every month at a minimum
    - Play at least 12 rounds with my 12 year old son (trying to let him find a love of golf on his own)
    - At least one trip out of state to play golf
    - Reach a sub 5 handicap (currently a 9.3 officially but too inconsistent)

    Number one overall priority is to be a better version of me - a better husband, father, etc. and make improve my overall health
  9. Gabe B

    Gabe B
    Eau Claire, Michigan

    Play more golf.

    win an event

    qualify for state opens

    make cut at each event

    make as many checks as possible.
  10. Started playing properly about 2 years ago and have managed to get down to 11.6 index with a playing h/c of 14. This year the goal is to get down to 9.99 and get some scores under 80.
    Also, as it's my 50th this year, I want to get properly fitted for some new irons having played with second hand stuff off eBay - the only new clubs I've had are my SM8's.
  11. Bill L

    Bill L
    Chesapeake, VA

    2023 Goals

    1. Go from a 7 handicap to below 5
    2. Improve consistency on par 3 holes
    3. Improve putting from inside 10 feet
  12. PZ


    Goals this year are a little different for me

    My course shut down in Oct for a full reno and is set to open back up later this fall, so I will most likely be playing less golf this year than the last 10 :( My goals are to find a golf training program and be in the best shape possible when the course does reopen. There are so many online to choose from does anyone have a recommendation? My other goals are to hit into my net more often and work on the practice putting mat.

  13. hi everyone - really excited to get this current season started. I played as a kid and my grandfather played for 71 years literally until his body failed him. As a kid the man was a lunatic and made golf not enjoyable for an 8 year old kid.

    Once I moved out of the city of Chicago I realized I needed a hobby & went to the range. I was so frustrated that I immediately left the range & called my golf coach from when i was a kid. From May- November last year I had 6 lessons and was able to break 100 - 5 times last year. A lot more 115+ rounds. I noticed how much less stressed I was having an outlet & have fully committed to being a below 100 golfer.

    Since November i've taken 8 lessons & the swing motion itself is feeling SO MUCH more natural. Those first few months were brutal and at times felt embarrassing. But I trudged along and that first time breaking 100 I was addicted. I knew I was going to stick to it.

    Goal is to lose 6 balls max per round, get more comfortable from 50-80 yards, and continue practicing putting!
  14. I had shoulder surgery Nov 8, and really don’t know what to expect this year. I played 5 holes today, and have lost a ton of distance. I may need to switch to regular from stiff shafts. I don’t know. I’ve played for about 50 years, and it feels like I’m starting over. I really need to regain my strength to evaluate where my game will be going forward.
  15. John M

    John M
    Asheville, North Carolina

    My goals are (1) Spend January through March practicing the fundamentals of my stance, ball position and grip as much as possible. (2) Play rounds that I treat as practice and the opportunity to try new clubs, balls or even warm up routine. and (3) Take a putting lesson.
  16. Play more 9 hole rounds during the week so I can play more golf.
  17. Christopher W

    Christopher W
    Fresno, CA

    Goal is to have an even or under round. Shot a 74 last year going one over each side. This year already had an even thought 9 but blew up on the back. Getting lessons and planning on getting fit for new clubs at TPI
  18. Hey Y’all,

    I’m new here but my goal is to reduce my 10 handicap to single digits this year. Really want to focus on more consistency within my game and my form. Would also like to do more practicing and have structured practices.

    Wishing anyone who sees this a good golf year!
  19. My goals are to lower my current 8 cap to 5 or better. And also not to hit two bad shots in a row.
  20. Anthony A

    Anthony A
    Sugar Grove, Ohio

    1 lower my handicap from 15 to 10.
    2 be more patient on the course.
    3 stop losing my pro v1
    4 enjoy every moment
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