Quick Poll: How often do you practice?

Follow Thread

By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 63 Replies
  1. Neil U

    Neil U
    Chantilly, VA

    I have three boys in the house that also play. Two play on the varsity high school team and the oldest is in the PGA Management Program. So we are practicing and playing multiple times a week.
  2. I usually go to the range once or preferably twice per week if possible. I only get to play once per week. If my short game isn't up to par I will add some time in the back yard. Lately the chipping and putting have been really good, it is just getting around the green that hasn't been up to snuff.
  3. Tyler M

    Tyler M
    Lincoln, NE

    Just getting back into it and trying to see how far I can take it. Playing or practicing 5-6 times a week for 2 hours a day.
  4. Gwood

    Santa Barbara

    I gave up on practice. Time is so hard to find for it. I use each round as my “practice” and gave up on being concerned. Insect went from 4 to an 8 at first but now it’s shrinking towards a 7 and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been with the game of golf!
  5. Cooper C

    Cooper C
    Seattle, WA

    I am lucky to have a few courses close by, and just fell back in love with the game so I am motivated to get back out there. So most days after work I'm out there doing something, just still finding playing partners so the range has become my best friends. Also living in the PNW, you can't waste these beautiful summer days we've been having. They'll be gone before you know it.
  6. Nate M

    Nate M
    West Michigan

    Judging by my handicap, not often enough
  7. Once a week.
  8. Jim C

    Jim C
    Duxbury, MA

    Now that I live 1.5 miles from my club, a lot more often.

    Lately that means 3-4 times per week.
  9. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    I opted for Other:
    In a regular season, I go out for a small bucket 3 times a week for maintenance.
    During winter, I usually just play and maybe go out for maintenance once a week if any.
    Just before the season or springtime, if ever I need to take lessons or cannot figure it out (which is more so than not, I spend a good amount of practice time on the range and practice green. The days are alternated between putting/short game and mid/long game.

    These things also dictates major changes in my equipment which the Titleist cycles of releases pretty much falls into place for my needs. But sure, there are those clubs that just need to be added/replaced they're the random needs (or wants haha)
  10. James Young

    James Young
    Costa Mesa, CA

    15yr old while on the course recently: 'Dang dad, you're pretty lucky...'

    Me: 'It's funny how that works son... the more I practice the luckier I get.'

    Have fun out there!
  11. I don't practice enough period! I play 4 to 5 days a week. That's where I practice. I only have so many swings in me after some pretty serious spinal cord surgery. I'm grateful just to be able to play. I usually don't worry about scores until something important comes up. Also lucky enough to be in the 80s lately. Best summer I've ever had. Retirement suits me well.
    Play Well
    Steve S.
  12. TDial

    Weldon Spring, MO

    We work a 48/96 schedule, 48 hours on shift followed by 96 hours off shift. So I love to average two days practicing and 1 day of playing 18 holes. It all varies depending on weather, schedule, travel.
  13. Brandon P

    Brandon P
    North Carolina

    When the days are longer I usually have the chance to get out there on the range at least once a week maybe two depending on work schedule.
  14. Elson C

    Elson C

    I do not practice as much as I would like, honestly I probably only visit the range a couple of times per season, I am trying to change that and get a weekly range session to practice my irons and wedges.
  15. Nathan S

    Nathan S
    Fitchburg, WI

    Fortunately, I get to practice for 1.5 hours while my son has the Jr program. If it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't get out as frequently. hahaha.
  16. JRobbins

    Kirkland, WA

    I try to make it to range 2x per week, practice short game 1-2x week, practice putting at home in the evenings. Kids sports schedules make that tough, so I take what I can get these days.
  17. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Now that I'm back in full swing from my Knee replacement surgery, I'm back to playing 3 days a week and practicing on the other days. Man, it feels great just to be out there and to be able to walk and get in and out of my cart without without pain.
  18. Pete D

    Pete D
    Plaistow, NH / Ft. Myers, FL

    It probably averages out to once a week, but depends on what event is coming up.

    I had a "meme" I wanted to add to this, but couldn't, so here:


  19. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    Barely ever. I hit a ton of range balls growing up, but now I just show up and play, I am getting old it seems…
  20. Michael E

    Michael E
    New York

    Ideally I’d like to practice twice a week, nice good sessions. I like to focus on a particular thing everytime.
    Life has a way of getting hectic so right now it’s more like once a week that I can get to the range.
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