Quick Poll: How often do you practice?

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 63 Replies
  1. golfinnut

    Leesburg, VA

    Unfortunately life gets in the way & I don't get to practice or play as much as I would like. I only get to practice once a week, if I'm lucky.
  2. brandon b

    brandon b
    sorrento, FL

    I play 1-2 times a week and practice now 3-5 times a week. I practiced 6 days a week for about 6 months this year. Really helped my game.
  3. I would enjoy getting to the range more than once a week but I much prefer playing several times a week instead. For a number of years I've used a hitting net that I set up in the garage...takes about thirty seconds to put it up. A little warm up with an Orange Whip and we're ready to go. Of course this is not the same as the range but I'm looking for tempo and contact and keeping nice and loose. It works for me.
  4. 80% of my practice is on the course where I can practice actual shots. The other 20% is on the range and 75% of that is on the short game. Ill spend more time on the full swing as needed.
  5. Mike D., Titleist Staff said:

    Let's hear it, Team Titleist... how often do you all practice your game? Vote below and join the conversation by adding a comment.

    I play 5 times a week weather allowing . I try to warmup 1/2 hour before ,a few putts then wedge 8 iron on short range , driver gap wedge on long range a few more puts then tee off. Sometimes I do a more dedicated practice session on Mondays or Thursday when I often don’t play.
  6. I am returning to the game after a few years of hiatus due to life (i.e., career, baby, etc.), but I am trying to hit the range every weekend or two (2) to work on my game.
  7. Alex N

    Alex N

    I went from having the time to practice 3 to 5 times per week to now only practicing once per week if I’m lucky. As the weather begins to cool down I hope to get back to practicing a couple times during the week.
  8. CRickard

    Metro Detroit

    Would love to practice more... Currently, trying to find a way to do so, especially during the offseason. However, with two young kids and a fulltime job, it's hard to sneak away. Would love if there was a range that is open past 8/9 at night around me in Metro Detroit.

    I work on mobility and strength training early in the morning, but need to find time to practice more.
  9. Would love to practice more but this thing called work gets in the way
  10. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    I practice 4 hours a week, mostly at our short course. I'm not a guy that's going enjoy retirement golf (I'm 57), I have to get it while the body is still holding up, somewhat. I have a goal, can't imagine why someone would work at this game without having goals in mind!
  11. Thomas Y

    Thomas Y
    Wenham, MA

    This is the first year in many that I've had the opportunity to practice (or play) without time considerations. I've tried to work on ball striking once a week (about 80 balls per session), putt (about an hour to an hour and a half session), and spend time with short game chipping and pitching (about an hour and a half also). I've only played four or five times so far, and my swing instructor has encouraged me to try to play more.

    When I play, my ballstriking has been very unsatisfactory, so I may add another full swing session in, but I need to really review what is happening as, despite some lessons and a lot of practice, I feel like I am no better than when I began my 'resurrection' almost 3 years ago. It's a good thing my short game and putting have been decent, otherwise I wouldn't break 100. Oh, and in my prime, 16 years ago, I was a mid-single digit capper.
  12. Brandon P

    Brandon P
    North Carolina

    When the days are longer I try to get out twice during the week as long as my work schedule allows but when the days get short usually can only get out on Saturday to the range. To me there’s nothing like a long day at work and coming home and going straight to the range for so relaxation.
  13. range once a week, chipping once a week but rarely practice putting, really need to focus on that
  14. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    Not enough BUT hopefully that will change next year after my course is done renovating our driving range. Very much looking forward to that.
  15. Dan K

    Dan K
    Flower Mound, TX

    I live in the DFW area, it’s been 104-105*for weeks. No practicing unless indoors unless I want to turn into a briquette. However, it did get slightly cooler as of late (90’s) so will be out on the range more
  16. Fred Closs

    Fred Closs
    Denton, TX

    Since I decided to go back to work, the time to play has been greatly reduced. However, one can find time to practice 1 - 2 hours, a few times per week. It's been so hot, finding time late in the day has reduced that practice a bit. Fall is around the corner, but then, so is old man Winter.
  17. Philip M

    Philip M
    East Freetown, MA

    When the kids are in school I will practice 2-4 days per week. My practice is usually limited during the summer to putting on a mat at home or chipping foam balls in the back yard. When I do get to the course during the summer I usually just want to go play.
  18. Jon C

    Jon C
    Lehigh Valley, PA

    Similar to the others, but I found the last year or so where I put in at least 2 practice sessions a week along with playing 1-2 x has me playing pretty steady and dropped the cap down quite a few strokes.

    I also tightened up my range/practice to be much more directed and purposeful vs the old just hitting balls. I saw pretty big gains on confidence with dispersion by being more strict in practice sessions, as well as dialing into wedge distances more.
  19. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    Spending most of my time playing. Practice time is dedicated to the short game.
  20. I am fortunate enough that my home course is on my way home and only 6 holes long, so I am able to stop on my way home from work and play 6 or 12 holes most days. On days I don’t, I practice putting with a perfect putt putting aid.
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