Opinion on Disney courses

Follow Thread

By Jon C

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  • 38 Replies
  1. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    Disney is always in good shape. So many options around Orlando, Disney pretty consistent.
  2. KKelley

    Winter Garden

    Disney courses are good. I’m lookin forward to the new back finishing holes at magnolia. They should be done really soon. Made changes for hotel development. I play one the course once a month and always enjoy it.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Never played them, too goofy and mickey mouse. On a serious note, I stay clear or Orlando. Just too busy. Did the Epcot, Sea World and the rest of Disney World on a business trip back in the 80's. Wife flew down after the meeting and we did our thing. No golf. Played a lot of courses in FL when I worked for that company while I was there presenting our new employee insurance plan around Jacksonville/Tampa/Orlando. Cannot remember any of the courses. Played golf in the morning, did presentations in the evening. It was a hard working assignment.
  4. 19hole

    Reading, MA

    Recently played Magnolia. I do not like the changes to the course. The new greens are so much out of character with the other 14 you would think you changed courses. They turned a very good 5 par (#14) into a fair 4 par. They then took out a great 3 par (#15) and built a pretty easy 5 par. The new 16th should be a bear of a 4 par with a very undulating green, I predict a lot of doubles or higher here.

    I also found the greens to be slower and more grainy than they have been in the past. The bunker quality has dropped significantly. Lots of stones and hardpan. They were also very inconsistent from hole to hole, this has never been the case on this course.

    I have played well over 200 rounds there and don't think I would hurry back.

    Orange County Nation's Panther Lake is a much better place to play.
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