+New Pro V1/x ball fitting with Team Titleist!!+

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By Luke R. Team Titleist UK

  • 383 Replies
  1. John H

    John H
    Edinburgh, 0

    Paul Laurie Centre in Aberdeen please for me..........
  2. Woburn on the Sunday Luke, be great to catch up. Not had a ball fitting for 4-5 years. Olie
  3. *Saturday
  4. Please add me to the Woburn draw.. I just had loads of Pro VIx s personalised with your offer before Christmas, but Im loosing them as fast as hitting them ! It’ll soon be time to reorder so would be great to know which ones suit me best..
  5. I would love the opportunity to attend Paul Lawrie Golf Centre Aberdeen (Sunday 3rd) for a ball fitting. Have never been through this before and would be a wonderful chance to kick start my golf game the week after my 40th birthday!
  6. I think the titleist golf ball range is the finest in golf and the clubs are suited very well to the better player
  7. Hi Luke

    Would love to attend the event at the Paul Lawrie Centre on the 3rd.

    All the best
  8. Great golf balls and great idea to have them fitted. You get your club fitted why not the golf balls
  9. Tim U

    Tim U

    Have already entered once but had the email might double my chances but whoever gets I’m sure will have a great day go team titleist!!
  10. Good afternoon,

    I’d love the opportunity to test the new Titleist golf balls after trusting in the Pro V1x for the last 5 years. With the golf ball being the only instrument we use on every shot, I would love to see how the new models would help enhance my current game to give me even more confidence in the ball im using.

    I would be available to attend Woburn on the 2nd February. I would love the opportunity to attend.

  11. Des

    Cuddington, Cheshire

    Sounds like a perfect Titleist day out - Woburn venue if possible please

    regards Des
  12. Luke R. Team Titleist UK said:

    Hi there Team Titleist,

    I have a very exciting opportunity to share with you!

    As a thank you for your continued support of Team Titleist and the Titleist brand, on Saturday 2nd Feb and Sunday 3rd Feb we will be inviting 25 of you to attend a ball fitting for the new Pro V1 and Pro V1x at Woburn (Saturday 2nd) and the Paul Lawrie Golf Centre Aberdeen (Sunday 3rd) with our expert Product Specialists using the latest Trackman system.

    Along with the free fitting you will receive a short game session and a dozen of the ball you were fitted for.

    If you are interested in attending either of these days please comment below with your availability and which venue you would like to attend by next Friday 18th at 12:00pm and we will email out to those who have been selected (15 appointments at Woburn, 10 appointments at Paul Lawrie Golf Centre).

    Woburn Golf Club - https://www.woburngolf.co.uk

    Paul Lawrie Golf Centre - https://www.paullawriegolfcentre.co.uk/course-2/

    Have a great weekend!


    Team Titleist

    Post Image

    Woburn on either 2ndor 3rd would be great
  13. Jayne A

    Jayne A
    Cuddington, Cheshire

    Would love the opportunity. Woburn venue please.
  14. geoff m

    geoff m
    oldmeldrum, 0

    What better way to spend your birthday than a fitting at Paul Lawries ?
  15. Paul Lawrie Golf Centre on the 3rd of February Please
  16. I would like to be considered for the fitting in Aberdeen please
  17. I'd love to attend at Woburn. Fingers crossed.
  18. Would love to attend Woburn on the 2nd Feb please
  19. Good afternoon Luke,
    I would like to be involved in the ball fitting at the Paul Laurie golf centre and I’m available all day on the Sunday.
  20. What better way to start the season than with the correctly fitted ball to compliment my unique swing!

    Woburn would be great on either day
  21. Still not sure which is best Titleist ball for me so the chance to come to Woburn would be great
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